A Tragedy, Not a Statistic
Every person who dies from COVID-19, or any other cause, is a life to be celebrated, remembered, and mourned.
Every person who dies from COVID-19, or any other cause, is a life to be celebrated, remembered, and mourned.
Non-doomsday prepping is NOT about going out and buying massive amounts of dehydrated camping food you’ll probably never eat. It’s about embracing preparedness as a lifestyle
Some years back, I started writing a cookbook because so many younger clients on my fertility website had no idea how to shop, store, and cook affordable food. A lot of families around the...
As much as I love the complex, there are times when I just don’t need to be stuffing yet more information into my already over-crowded cerebrum. So, yes, there are times when I’m in the mood for Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Board Game Symposium: Why don’t I play games with these gorgeous beasts I gave birth to? Am I just a bad mother? I think the answer is probably yes…
Chantal Akerman’s 1975 masterpiece is a nail biting Hitchcockian thriller about housework. Really.
While the country appears more divided than ever, I wonder if there are families like ours-those who felt that divide at one point. But now sit in silence.
On a coworker who spent a summer drawing thousands of whales in chalk and the great work of storytelling that came from that.
Chef Boyardee meant home and mom’s cooking and family being together. It WAS one of the Good Things, in a childhood that had a number of Bad Things in it for me.
Symposium: Friday nights meant getting some pizza at the plaza and going home and eating it in front of the television instead of eating it at the table.
So, why was I standing in a gas station convenience store next to the hot pizza slices promising never to eat pizza again?
There’s a haunting beauty in these old cemeteries. It’s the new ones that creep me out.
There’s a German word, Kummerspeck, which literally means “Grief-bacon” and is used to refer to the weight you put on while grieving.
Realizing that since all humans must eat, food can be the most unifying things
History has been something that my father has given me with very little in return; not simply because I don’t want to give back to that tradition, but because I haven’t yet had the life to lead which gives to the story of my family and of mankind as a whole.
This weekend is the birthday of one of the nephews. I have to be a subversive influence… but not *TOO* subversive.
The point is that I use literally anything else to delicately suppress the sentiments and sensations of life.