Conservatives, The Language of ‘Culture War,’ and the Lessons of Counterinsurgency Theory
Developing virtues should be a prerequisite to political engagement and are vastly more important than jumping into any ‘culture war’ battle
Developing virtues should be a prerequisite to political engagement and are vastly more important than jumping into any ‘culture war’ battle
I hereby confess to you, dear reader, that when I consider you, I am pitiless. In what manner do you deal out in judgment to me?
Why does the middlebrow matter? Who cares what a Jane or John Doe has to say about the Great Books or politics? The answer is obvious…
A moral gerrymandering of my personal Ludditism can become disciplined if I filter that jagged line through the lens of the human condition.
“You recently asked me what it is conservatives conserve and more importantly – what it is conservatives have to offer people like you.”
That auditory component, hearing along with seeing, is a big part of why birding is a thing while, say, insecting isn’t.
this is when we listen to a lovely rendition of Ave Maria and, in recent years, discuss what we’re giving up for Lent.
Now that our society has the luxury to contemplate retirement planning, we have these dream salespeople who will run a simple calculator on your behalf.
We should understand that because of the technology of the day, we may well be the most recorded and documented generation in history.
Enduring institutional death is a difficulty of another magnitude and rising again is all but impossible. But some can die healthy deaths.
The contrast between real love and fairytale love is something we access through what we thought love was during our childhood
One woman’s dystopia is another’s paradise, but if *I* were to describe a dystopian leftist culture, I’d describe something like this…
To say that something is socially constructed means, at least, that our social practices play a role in determining the content of some of our concepts
I find it very, very concerning the number of libertarians who are watching the riots unfold with a gleam in their eyes
A morally justifiable act isn’t always a morally preferable. That’s an important distinction frequently overlooked in thought exercises.
There are no jobs, certainly enough jobs that exist in the kind of numbers that it would take to employ a mass exodus of Joads like me.
The things people desire can generally be broken down into three categories: Money, power, and influence
The truth of humanity is that none of us, not even Gandhi, are capable of valuing all human life the same.
“Is Chomsky a tankie? The answer is unambiguously no. There is a more interesting question however: “What is Chomsky’s role in 2020?”