Category: Economics
Who Will Win the Driverless Car War?
Some light speculation as to which companies may get there first.
Market Failure 5: Imperfect Information (When life hands you lemons, call your mechanic)
What you don’t know can hurt everyone.
Market Failure 4: Collective Action Problems (Tragedies and Catch 22s)
Why can’t we all just get along?
Market Failure 3: Imperfect Competition (This game of Monopoly plays you!)
What happens when a small number of producers or consumers starts to gain control over the price system?
Market Failure 2: Externalities (Coase and Effect)
Economic decision-making becomes a lot more complicated when your decisions affect 3rd parties.
Market Failure 1: Ideal Markets (Why you should care about spherical cows)
To understand what a market failure is, you first need to understand the market successes.
Market Failure Introduction
In which I outline an eight-part series on how markets can fail, and what to do about it.
Carried Interest is Not Labor Income – The Capital Structure Perspective
Properly understood, carried interest is a return on capital. Dave brings a unique perspective to the carried interest debate.
Eighteen Things I Learned from The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Reflections on of a very good book about the financial crisis
Skipping The Summer Reading
This essay is about reading gay porn before class. And it resurrects an Ideological Outrage Of The Day from 2012. And a graphic novel. And striking out romantically. And Richard Dawkins.
Practical Shaving with a Double-edge Safety Razor
A double-edged safety razor is actually less fussy than the alternatives.
The Value of Playing with Commercially Produced Toys
The merits of playing with loose parts seems oversold.
If Your Customers don’t Understand Your Product, it’s Your Fault
Looking in vain for ChinesePod’s pedagogical philosophy.