Monthly Archive: February 2019

SCOTUS Takes a Bite Out of Civil Forfeiture

Critics of civil forfeiture are cheering a new, unanimous Supreme Court decision which strikes a significant blow to the practice. The use of forfeiture actions, in which states file suit to confiscate the property of those accused of crimes, has been under fire by people of all political stripes, who see it as an extreme and unfair overreach of power.


Those Dastardly Billionaires, or Something

“Evil rich” and it’s slightly more polite colloquial cousin “greedy rich” are very old – and occasionally true – stereotypes, and will never go away. But we should not accept them on face value, and we certainly should not be making wide-ranging and binding policy based off it.


Wednesday Writs: West Virginia vs Barnette

Your weekly roundup of the most interesting law and legal related links from around the web. This week, we have teacher strikes, the pledge of allegiance, spying county sheriffs, a little bit of nepotism, and Dropkick Murphys.