talk to me like an adult: planned parenthood edition
Women are not children, but the habit of thinking of them as children is deeply ingrained. And like all bad habits, it’s hard to break.
Women are not children, but the habit of thinking of them as children is deeply ingrained. And like all bad habits, it’s hard to break.
Learn a little about Emanuel Swedenborg, whose ideas interested among others Immanuel Kant.
A double-edged safety razor is actually less fussy than the alternatives.
A condemned man in Tennessee wants his lawyers to depose the people who would be his executioners.
The controversial movement to rename Alaska’s Mt. McKinley is likely the opposite of what you think it is.
A question for the hivemind: Who are the American middle-class?
Are these two people “fit” for “marriage”? Should the government have a role in answering that question? I still say no.
This Week: Jihadism, Anglosphere, Labor, University, Science, and Progress!
Someday, we will have a weekend where the only thing we have to do is go out to breakfast on Saturday, maybe Sunday.
Make your predictions about 2016! (People who turn out to be right can brag, people who turn out to be wrong will be able to explain how they would have been right if circumstances were different.)
The lessons on economic incentives from Dan’s Planned Parenthood post can still be gleaned from the scandal. Just not in the way Dan first thought.