Will this hurt or help?: FLSA Edition
Did the 2nd Circuit just help or hurt underemployment in the legal industry?
Did the 2nd Circuit just help or hurt underemployment in the legal industry?
Campus Reform’s attacks on academics represents everything I hate about online activism.
Direct democracy and education policy: something that everyone can take exception to.
Can someone with legal training tell me if Samuel Alito is being sour-grapes ridiculous or is actually on to something?
Recommended reading lists are only histories of what worked for whoever constructed them.
Heaven help me for saying this, but give me the stodgy old farts at Fox over the people who run Gawker any day.
Laura Seay gave an interesting lecture on how a well-intentioned attempt to alleviate mineral conflict backfired. Also, several articles on the subject.
Does a netroots flight show cracks in Progressive and Democratic adhesion?
Jim Butcher’s next Dresden book has a title! Not a release date, mind, but it has a title! Warning: the title appears in this post.