The Case For Dumb
by Michael Cain
This is the first of two guest posts on the topic of smart electric grids in the United States (although many other countries are wrestling with the same issues). The policy issues require some understanding of the engineering, so I’ll start there.
A simplified diagram showing the basic structure of the overall electric grid appears to the left. Substation transformers are the natural dividing point for the discussion. This post is concerned with the smart grid as the term is applied to the portion of the grid to the left of the substation transformer: large-scale generation and transmission. The second post will be concerned with the portion to the right of the substation: distribution, consumers, and small-scale generation. Some of the grid problems are easier to understand in the context of transmission, so I’m starting there. The power industry uses an incredible array of acronyms; I’ll try to avoid using too many of them.
The US transmission network is a hodge-podge of 300,000 kilometers of lines operated by 500 different companies. A simplified representation that doesn’t include many of the minor links is shown here. Like Topsy, it “just growed.” In the beginning there were vertically-integrated utilities each with its own generating, transmission and distribution systems. In time, and for a variety of reasons, the utilities interconnected their private networks. One of the reasons was reliability. If utility A had a generator break down unexpectedly, and lacked idle generating capacity of their own, they could buy power from connected utility B who did have idle capacity until the problem was fixed. The Northeast Blackout of 1965 convinced the utilities that such ad hoc reliability arrangements were insufficient and they created the nonprofit North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), which begat various regional reliability organizations, all charged with making the grid more reliable.
Did this fix the problems? On the afternoon of September 8, 2011, portions of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico experienced an electricity blackout. The blackout began when a field technician made a procedural error that took a major 500,000 volt transmission line out of service. Over the next 11 minutes, a classic “cascading failure” event knocked out power for nearly seven million people. The government’s post-mortem analysis(sizable PDF) identifies a variety of problems. The grid was poorly instrumented, poorly modeled by the control system, operated near maximum capacity too much of the time, the controllers for the different parts of the network didn’t communicate quickly or well… To someone who spent part of a career designing high-reliability distributed software systems, it reads like a system intended to fail [1].
Some (simplified) background science and engineering is necessary here. The first reason managing the transmission network is a hard problem is scale. The US grid consists of three largely independent parts. The Eastern Interconnect, the largest of the three, covers 36 states and parts of Canada from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Plains. It is a synchronous alternating-current (AC) network. AC electricity — the stuff in the outlets in your walls — varies the voltage from positive to negative and back 60 times each second. The voltage rise and fall over time follows the precise shape (a sine wave) shown here. The outputfrom every generator attached to the Eastern Interconnect must move up and down at exactlythe same time. Most generators involve very large rotating masses that don’t like to change speed very quickly. If a generator gets out of sync with the rest of the grid, Bad Things happen to it [2].
Another reason that reliability is a hard problem is the nature of electricity. If a generator or transmission link fails, the loads on other components of the network change almost instantly. Where the load will shift is determined by the network’s complex topology (see map above). Exciting things can happen when such a shift occurs: much of the added load may fall on a few individual components, possibly overloading them; the flow of power over a particular transmission line may reverse; for a brief period of time, until the generators have adjusted to the new configuration — slowly in comparison to the speed the network loads change — the quality of that sine wave shown above may go to hell in some locations. That last one can be a serious problem. If the quality degrades enough, one or more generators may disconnect themselves from the network in order to avoid the Bad Things mentioned above. Of course, that results in another major change in how the network is loaded, which may take other components out of service, which… cascading failure and millions of people lose power.
On a somewhat different note, over the last 30 years, we have started to demand more from the transmission network than simply reliable transport within an integrated utility or small group of such utilities. In 1978, the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) required utilities to begin buying power from independent generating companies when the offered price was cheaper than the utility’s cost to generate power. In the 1990s, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) separated operation of regional transmission grids from the utilities that owned them for substantial parts of the country. As a result of these changes a large number of new independent generators, most of them relatively small, got into the business. These changes are often referred to as the deregulation of the wholesale electricity business. “Reregulation” would be a better term, as the business is still heavily regulated, only under a different set of rules, and with different goals.
Many of these new generators use either renewable resources or co-generation. Co-generation is basically applying waste heat from some industrial process to make steam and produce electricity [3]. For example, for years lumber and paper mills have burned the scrap from timber (bark, small limbs, sawdust, needles/leaves) that they can’t use in their principal products to make electricity for their own use; the legal changes made it possible for them to sell any excess to the utilities. Both co-generation and renewable power sources are intermittent on some time scale. Solar has that pesky day/night thing; there are hours and days when the wind doesn’t blow, sometimes unexpectedly; hydro is often seasonal; lumber mills don’t operate all day every day. Intermittent sources make the problem of managing the transmission grid even more difficult; in effect, partial “failures” become more common [4].
Making the correct decisions to manage the failure of generators and transmission lines requires a “big picture” view of the network. For example, when a transmission line fails, disconnecting the right couple of substations to shed load in exactly the right places may keep the network up and stable: exchanging a limited blackout for a much more widespread one. For the transmission network, the term “smart grid” refers to adding all of the things necessary to acquire and make use of the big picture. Large numbers of sensors would be added to the network, all monitoring the quality of the local sine wave, and reporting on its condition many times per second. Individual generators and substations connected to the transmission grid would report their status once every few seconds. All of the data would be collected and processed in real time. The big picture that emerges from all of that would identify failures almost instantly. Given knowledge of the current state of the network and exactly what kind of failure has occurred, a controller can take appropriate actions. For a network the size of the Eastern Interconnect, human controllers are too slow; the job would have to be turned over to software.
So, why hasn’t all of this happened already? Blackouts are, after all, things that we would like to avoid. People die in blackouts. Millions of dollars worth of food spoils. Transportation systems come to a standstill. Municipal water systems are contaminated when the pumps fail, and have to be flushed. There seem to be three particular reasons why we don’t already have a smart transmission network.
- Cost. Estimates of the cost to deploy the necessary components and control systems across the country run as high as $100 billion. Note in passing that the initial event that led to the Northeast Blackout of 2003 (55 million or so people without power in the US and Canada) was a transmission line coming in contact with a tree. The company that owned the line was too cheap to keep the trees properly trimmed back. How likely is it that they will willingly pay for expensive sensors?
- Security. Recent history suggests that industrial control systems are subject to hacking by outsiders. The more centralized control of the transmission network becomes, the greater the damage that an intruder can do. Long ago, when I worked for the Bell System, we largely resolved the outside hacker problem by building a control network that was physically separate from the public network. It was an expensive undertaking; see “Cost” above.
- Control. Generators, substations, and transmission lines are valuable assets. Their owners are understandably reluctant to give up control of the decision on when those assets should be disconnected from a network going through a cascading failure event to protect them from harm. “The idiots in Cleveland didn’t disconnect us soon enough!” is not an explanation for a $50 million generator shaft in the ravine on the far side of the parking lot that anyone wants to deliver to their Board of Directors.
I’m going to spend the last bit of this post explaining why I think spending on a smart transmission network at this point in time is not the best use of the money. The problem that a smarter grid doesn’t solve is that the US operates portions of its transmission network too close to capacity too much of the time. Making the transmission grid smart is in very large part about trying to cope with the problems that occur when the network is under heavy stress. When the grid isn’t stressed, it doesn’t need to be nearly so smart. It is not surprising that the major non-weather-related blackouts occur where they do. FERC requires the Department of Energy to conduct periodic studies of the transmission network and identify critical congestion areas. The 2006 study identified two such areas: Southern California and the Mid-Atlantic Coast, shown in the accompanying figure. The 2009 study identified the same areas, and when the 2012 study is published it will no doubt identify the same areas again.
To put it simply, the US grid would be better served in the near term by spending money in order to add a bunch of stupid bulk transmission capacity, starting in the regions identified as critically congested, than on an expensive smart grid project. Besides, adding capacity is something that we’re going to have to do anyway. To pick an example: if the Western Interconnect region is going to make much heavier use of renewable power, it will need to substantially beef up its capacity for long-distance electricity transport. Northwestern hydro, Great Plains wind, Southwestern solar, and Great Basin geothermal (if that works out) will all need to be moved in large quantities all over the West in order to match supply and demand, and into Southern California in particular. The need for additional transmission in Southern California has become even more pressing now that SoCal Edison has decided to retire rather than repair the San Onefre nuclear plant.
[1] More disturbing is that if you go back a little farther in time and read the post-mortem report on the Northeast Blackout of 2003 — which affected 55 million people in the US and Canada — almost exactly the same “designed to fail” problems were present. It looks disturbingly like no one learned anything between one major failure and the next.
[2] A friend told me about an incident where a generator began to vibrate, a common symptom when the generator and network are out-of-sync. The multi-ton main shaft, rotating at several hundred RPMs, broke free from the structure holding it in place. The shaft came loose, broke through the protective steel enclosure, through the concrete wall into the next section of the power plant, through the concrete wall at the end of that section, bounded across the parking lot, and wound up in the ravine.
[3] The very large majority of US power is generated by the process of (1) burn something; (2) use the heat to boil water to make steam; and (3) use the steam to spin a turbine to turn a generator. Hero of Alexandria, the ancient Roman credited with building the first recorded steam turbine, would understand the basic principles.
[4] Conventional power plants such as a coal-fired generator are also intermittent, but are mostly offline according to a schedule that is known in advance. For example, “We’ll be offline for the first two weeks of November for annual maintenance.” For reliability planning, the authorities in Texas almost completely discount wind generators because the owners can’t say, “Yes, we can generate full power on Tuesday next week.”
@Michael Cain I’m looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
You might want to clean up the first sentence after the critical congestion graphic. There was a double negative I tried working through. Maybe it’s not supposed to be there.Report
You’re right, the sentence should be “I’m going to spend the last bit of this post explaining why I
don’tthink spending on a smart transmission network at this point in time is not the best use of the money.” Maybe one of the editors will strike that extra word for me.ReportWhy don’t individual states just handle their own power? I get that things just “growed” but aren’t there already power stations in about every state?Report
Why don’t individual states just handle their own power?
Combinations of economies of scale, location of resources/opportunities, and interstate commerce. Consider a simple example.
City A needs an additional 300 MW of generating capacity. City B, 100 miles away but in a different state, needs an additional 500 MW of capacity. A single 800 MW power plant will be cheaper to build and operate than two plants of 300 MW and 500 MW capacity respectively. So the utilities build a single jointly-owned plant at an appropriate location and transmit power into both states. The state utility commissions in both states approve the scheme because their goal is to get the electricity as cheaply as possible. A specific example: the Palo Verde nuclear plant in Arizona is owned by, and generates power for, utilities in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas.
From a reliability perspective, the desirable interconnects may cross state lines. You want to interconnect big nearby grids with lots of generating capacity. Consider Pennsylvania during the early days of interconnects. The natural connections for Philadelphia are going to be in other East Coast states: New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland. The natural connections for Pittsburgh are going to be in Ohio.Report
Because they did not want to be regulated by the federal government Texas utilities in general are all on a distinct grid ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas). The exceptions are parts of the panhandle and some of east texas because the utility in the East Tx case came from La. But here geography helps with the exception of Texarkana no large Texas metro areas are near the border of the state. So Ercot and the Texas PUC can build lines as they wish the feds and other states are not involved. However think of many other states and you find significant cities near state lines, NYC, Chicago, St Louis, Memphis, the Whole DC area, Philadelphia, In those cases the integration came about because neighboring utilities interconnected.Report
Wouldn’t El Paso be another exception?Report
correct El Paso is another exception, because east of El Paso almost no one lives for a couple of hundred miles. Here is a link to a map with the ERCOT service area:
Big is dumb. Small is smart.
Because technology always breaks down. The smaller the mistake, the better.Report
Historically, for generating electricity, small has also been very, very expensive.Report
Do you have opinions on the small private production that was being encouraged in Canada?Report
Do you have opinions on the small private production that was being encouraged in Canada?
You’re talking about the small-scale hydro in the more isolated parts of the country? That seems to have benefits for everyone, since as I understand things, provincial utilities are required to provide those communities with power and the hydro displaces some part of existing diesel generation. Probably didn’t make as much economic sense when oil was $20/bbl, but those days seem likely gone forever.Report
Is this really usually the case for networks?Report
The problem may solve itself. By reducing the number of coal powered plants, the amount of electricity produced will drastically drop, and thus the grid can’t be so stressed, probably dropping back to 50 to 60 percent of capacity. The public will just have to adapt.Report
What? You don’t buy Will’s theory that we’ll burn every piece of coal we can find once it becomes clear the alternative is that we can’t keep the lights on?
More seriously, coal is an important topic. Particularly so in the Eastern Interconnect, which has a greater dependency on the stuff. My perception — quite possibly skewed by the news sources I follow, along with my own biases — is that Eastern states aren’t making systematic decisions to reduce that dependency. Use was down significantly in 2012, but that seemed to be private companies making low-cost fuel decisions, and coal use began climbing in 2013 along with natural gas prices. Western authorities have been making more permanent decisions over the last several years — LA’s decision to be coal free, Colorado passing some laws that favor NG over coal, Oregon’s PUC and DOE pretty consistently smacking down long-term plans that involve coal.Report
To put it simply, the US grid would be better served in the near term by spending money in order to add a bunch of stupid bulk transmission capacity, starting in the regions identified as critically congested, than on an expensive smart grid project. Besides, adding capacity is something that we’re going to have to do anyway.
Since one of the critically congested areas is Southern California, which has enough rooftop space to probably mount a gajillion megawatts of solar generation (and since Southern Californian congestion problems are entirely seasonal, and linked both to the season and to the time-of-day that solar works well), it seems like the Strategy for the Eastern Front and the Strategy for the Western Front ought to be different.
There’s an added bonus in that Southern California has almost no susceptibility to the weather conditions that can lead to widespread damage to a solar installation (no hail, no hurricanes, no tornadoes) and it *is* susceptible to a widespread disaster that can cause damage to transmission lines (major earthquakes, for which it is substantially overdue, by the way), so generation at the point of consumption seems to be a pretty good idea.Report
Since one of the critically congested areas is Southern California, which has enough rooftop space to probably mount a gajillion megawatts of solar generation (and since Southern Californian congestion problems are entirely seasonal, and linked both to the season and to the time-of-day that solar works well), it seems like the Strategy for the Eastern Front and the Strategy for the Western Front ought to be different.
The price for PV solar has about got down to the point where it’s competitive. The biggest hurdle, at least IMO, is who has to lay out the capital for deploying it widely. The payback is too long to make it attractive to many (most?) homeowners. Utilities are (probably rightly) spooked by the idea of owning a broadly distributed generating “plant”; lots of workers required to monitor and maintain a million solar rooftops, where timely access to the panels or inverters can be iffy. I have always liked the SunEdison model, with fewer, bigger, standardized installations (up to a few MW, but well short of “utility scale”). That is, start with the big flat roofs of the shopping malls, warehouses, and such. My suburban city has a SunEdison array built on the 6.5 acre field adjacent to the water treatment plant that provides >80% of the power needed for the plant. IIRC, this array is roughly equivalent to putting a typical installation on about 2,000 houses. The grid connection is critical to getting to that >80%. During the peak sunshine hours excess power is fed into the grid, and at night the plant is powered by the grid.
Absolutely agree about East and West needing different solutions. Sufficiently different that I think it will be the source of large regional frictions. For example, there are lots of published studies about converting the US Western Interconnect to low-carbon electricity: the resources are available, the intermittency problems are understood (and largely manageable), and the concentration of the population into a small number of major metro areas makes the transmission system relatively easy. Low-carbon designs for the Eastern Interconnect tend to involve a lot more hand-waving, or very rapid deployment of politically unpopular technologies.Report
Thanks for the link to your earlier piece. I wasn’t around for that. I don’t know how realistic it is to assume the NW would sign on. If things were as bad as you foresee, Canada would have similar problems. Again, BC would be happy to sign on to Oregon/Washington but would have a harder time with AB. I think a separate Mountain West would be needed. Not that the different interior regions within the West couldn’t cooperate, I just think a certain degree of Federalism would be required to actually bring them together at all.Report
What about distributed generation that’s not even the post company’s responsibility, and maybe not even connected to the grid. I.e. getting homeowners to put up solar panels so their pull from the grid is reduced, and the maintenance issues ate there’s, not the power co’s? Would power co. subsidization of that be similar to their subsidization of insulation, new windows, etc? Cheaper than expanding capacity?
Appreciate this post and looking forward to the next.Report
The biggest hurdle, at least IMO, is who has to lay out the capital for deploying it widely. The payback is too long to make it attractive to many (most?) homeowners.
It’s not the payback, it’s the capital outlay in the first place (at least, in my neck of the wood).
Also: in many localities, the power company didn’t have to pay you for any extra power you generated, so you’d run your panels during the day, feed excess capacity back to the grid… and then at night you’d still be pulling off the grid, so you’d still get charged for your usage (even if you were pushing more during the day than you were taking at night). The only way to solve that is with a battery system, which some people are leery about.
The payback cycle used to be 15 years. Now, I can see not wanting to invest $40,000 in something that will break even in 15 years, because you’re probably (maybe?) likely to move within 15 years and PV systems aren’t considered a value-add by the market (because the market is stupid).
The last time I ran the numbers (which was a while back) it was 11 years and 20k.
Now, I’m planning on living in my house for the next 11 years, you betchoo. If I *had* the 20k, I’d spend it in a heartbeat (also: the number are probably closer to 8 years now).Report
Ah, the greatest tragedy of the commons: The American Consumer.Report
I know this is an aside, but the electrical grid (and water supplies) are why I believe the whole war-or-terror thing was teetered all out of proportion. Because the gird, the water, etc. remained out there for all to see, without being a target.
This is an excellent piece, an nice primer on transition systems. Though it doesn’t explain why we here in my state have to pay for improvements to a grid that’s just passing power through from where it’s generated in Quebec to where it’s used in that congestion area south of us.
I look forward to the second piece; and I actually hope you’ll follow it up with a third on the potential of localized, small-scale generation. I’m thinking of putting some solar panels on my house.Report
Because the gird, the water, etc. remained out there for all to see, without being a target.
Department of Homeland Security worries about the grid a lot. A very specific component of it — the enormous transformers that connect generating plants and major substations to the high-voltage transmission system. None of those transformers are built in the US any more. They’re expensive enough that the generating companies and utilities don’t keep spares, or at least not very many. They’re large enough that special transportation has to be arranged (eg, portions of the trip done by rail have to avoid tunnels and certain bridges because the transformers won’t fit). From order to delivery is typically six months. While they look rugged, ramming one with a garbage truck at speed is sufficient to break it, and you don’t even want to think about what a shoulder-carried anti-tank rocket would do to it (Hi, NSA! Enough keywords yet?). They’re not repairable. I’ve seen a presentation on an exercise DHS conducted, where emergency planners were presented with a situation in which terrorists took out six transformers around Cleveland. Rendered the city and surrounding suburbs largely uninhabitable.
DHS worries about it enough that they’re lobbying to get the generating companies and utilities to use multiple smaller transformers in parallel, built to a standard design, with many replacements stored in secured locations around the country. A rather expensive undertaking for those companies, who are resisting.Report
I’ve written about it, Michael. Plus DHS has managed to pump a lot of money into projects to tighten up security; not just money into beefing up PDs and the vehicles those officers drive. (Go look at where increase in federal gov.’s happened since 2000 — it’s DHS, which used to mean Dept. Human Services, not Homeland Security.)
But that’s exactly my point; there’s a lot of soft target out there; and we’re spending a lot to secure it; in the face of what need? There’s plenty of evidence on how easy it is to cripple the system, and vast swaths of the country, by bringing the grid down. You suggest, upthread, that what’s needed is big distribution investment, not smart-grid investment. I’m simply making a similar argument; those transformers might be reasonable to shift; but much of the expenditures are simply waste, not precaution, no matter how reasonable they seem.
But as I said, the thought’s a digression into the silliness of the WOT, and a distraction from your very worthwhile post. Thank you.Report
This is an excellent piece, an nice primer on transition systems.
Too much primer, I’m afraid. I was scarred by the public policy classes I took a few years back. All these earnest young people, determined to improve the world, including the power system, and with no clue about where the electricity in the wall outlets came from and the difficulties of keeping it stable. I was back on campus recently and spoke with the head of the program. “Hey!” he said, “Did you know that we had a second engineer-type in our masters degree program last year?”Report
There were predecessors to pieces of the smart grid even back in the 1920s on the consumer end. For example you could get a lower rate if you just ran a water heater from 10pm to 6 am for example (because the real cost of the power was low). todays smart meters are just carrying that further.Report
BTW this was done with 2 meters one for regular and one for the timed circuit. So the smart meter is just an evolutionary step from that.Report
Michael, nice primer. Couple questions:
1. What do you think of HVDC (High Voltage DC), particularly for interconnects and long runs? It would seem to side-step a lot of the synchronization issues if nothing else.
2. Have you thought any about what preps we should/could make for another Carrington event?Report
I haven’t heard of that proposal, though many years ago I did a lot of math on using switched capacitor DC/DC converters instead of AC transformers, which could produce significant efficiency gains.Report
Actually we currently use DC to connect the 3 synchronous areas in the US (west, east and Texas). The frequencies in the 3 areas are not synchronized, so the ac-dc-ac converstion is needed. There is a hub building near Clovis NM that would interconnect the 3 grids with DC ties. If it ever gets finally built its not clear why one would not extend the DC lines east to say Chicago and Nashville. (Note that there is the NW SW dc intertie that goes from the Dalles Or to Sylmar, Ca.Report
In addition to the interties that Lyle mentions, there’s a surprising amount of HVDC, both existing in the grid and proposed. The Pacific DC Intertie (Path 65) carries hydro power from the Columbia River to LA. The Intermountain DC link (Path 27) carries power from LADWP’s coal-burning Intermountain generating station in Utah to LA. The TransWest Express transmission line is pretty much on schedule (route identified, initial EIS released) to start carrying Wyoming wind power to Las Vegas by 2016/7. Long Island is linked to both Connecticut and New Jersey by undersea HVDC (HVDC is enormously more effective for underwater lines than AC). I think the most impressive semi-serious proposal globally is the link from Iceland to Scotland, to deliver Icelandic hydro power to the UK.
Lyle also mentioned the Tres Amigas intertie that’s going to be built in eastern New Mexico. The Tres Amigas developer has proposed building an HVDC line across New Mexico to the Four Corners trading hub so that utilities in the Texas and Eastern Interconnects can buy power there. People talk about the East gaining access to western renewable resources that way. If LA really goes through with its coal-free plans, the power that would be readily available around the time the link would be completed might well be coal-fired capacity left idle by LA. Somewhat similarly, there are proposals for an HVDC network off the Atlantic Coast of the US to connect off-shore wind farms; the developers admit that the initial use would almost certainly be delivery of coal-fired electricity from Virginia to the lucrative NYC market.Report
Wait, I thought that DC was no good for long distance transmission? Isn’t that a big part of the reason Edison lost out to Westinghouse?
…And 30 minutes later, I emerge from the WikiHole with my answer.Report
Thank you Michael, I am looking forward to part two.Report