Monthly Archive: November 2012

Today is White Saturday: #ShopSmall

Who knew? Small Business Saturday, November 24th, 2012. Patronize the Mom & Pop shops, tweeteth Drew Brees. Sponsored by American Express, we kid you not. $25 cashback for AmEx cardholders. Capitalist monster American Express...

A Few Words Of Thanks

I am grateful for my education and my admission into a profession which — though it frustrates and stresses me greatly at times — nevertheless also embodies many of my personal ideals, challenges me...

How To: Make Green Beans In Less Than Six Hours

Perhaps you’ve heard: today is Thanksgiving, that day when everybody spends hours upon hours cooking so that everybody they love can enjoy a half-hour meal before retiring to the nearest fainting couch to die...

The “Atmosphere.”

The Friday after we solidly re-elected our first black president, I was staking out a Chuck-E-Cheese. I was there — against my better judgment, I swear — trying to find out if it didn’t...

Walmart and the Welfare State

My friend Ned Resnikoff has a good summary of one of the more fascinating aspects of Walmart’s ongoing and escalating struggle with its workers, the recently leaked documents showing a systematic effort on the part of...

Bleg: Browser Filtering

Does anyone know of a good Firefox plug-in that would warn me any time I am following a link to certain designated sites? I’m mostly interested in the NYT, LA Times, Economist, and Financial...

This was probably always inevitable.

If you’ve been worried sick wondering whether or not Unskewed Polls founder Dean Chambers would take his embarrassing public drumming so badly that he would hide from the spotlight forever, fear not!  Sure, being...

A Rambling Thanksgiving Post

“O Lord that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” When I was growing up, a child of divorce, we did Thanksgiving with my mom’s family on Thursday and with my dad on...

The Specific Problem of Hipster Irony

In the New York Times’s ongoing philosophy column, The Stone, Christy Wampole informs us “How to Live Without Irony.” Actually, the more accurate headline would be “Why We Should Live Without Hipster Irony.” Her plea is mostly convincing,...

You Get It Here Firster And Better

McKay Coppins made memeorandum headlines this morning with a Buzzfeed article entitled “How The Conservative Media Lost The Election.” Good for him! But it seems to me…

Comment Rescue: Once More, with Feeling

Brian Houser writes: “But how can a libertarian believe that any system that transfers wealth by supporting social safety nets, public school funding, or progressive taxation is just?” Ultimately, he can’t (unless all that...

My Handwriting, My Self

New languages seep into you—slowly at first, and then, suddenly, you begin to notice its influence.  At least in the anecdotes, this frequently happens through the confusion of words as the mind is momentarily...

Forward Movement for the GOP

Senator Rand Paul, Kentucky’s junior senator, was not my first choice when he ran for his seat in 2010. The Tea Party scared the hell out of me and I wanted a more moderate candidate....