Still Republican Kryptonite
Submitted: Bill Clinton is to Republicans as Chipper Jones is to the New York Mets. For all of his “elder statesman” status, he still knows how to embarrass your closer with a walk off...
Submitted: Bill Clinton is to Republicans as Chipper Jones is to the New York Mets. For all of his “elder statesman” status, he still knows how to embarrass your closer with a walk off...
As you may have heard, Brink Lindsey is returning to the Cato Institute. Don’t ask: I don’t have inside information. The Koch brothers—or zombie Ayn Rand, or Yaron Brook, or whatever malefic presence pulls...
For most of the last 40 years or so, Pennsylvania has been viewed as an important swing state in Presidential elections. Prior to 2000, it had voted with the winning Presidential candidate for...
[Now with Second Bonus Update below! -tk] [Note: Updated below – tk] Well, that was quick. Last week it appeared that Republicans had made a tactical decision to shed their stuffy, country club image...
I threw in some random thoughts during the GOP’s Convention last week and thought it only fair I do the same for the Democrats.
Back in May I came up with a crazy plan to see a lot of movies this summer. My list started with 19 movies, grew to 23 at one point and was scaled back...
Hey, LoOG Fantasy Football players! This is your week one reminder to get your rosters updated today, before 8:30 eastern time (5:30 Pacific). For some reason that makes little sense to me, the NFL scheduled...
There are a handful of pundits whom I avoid reading. I avoid reading them because I find them so reliably infuriating that I end up saying regrettable things; or at the very least, with...
I think Tom Junod’s characterization of the First Lady’s speech is exactly right. “Republican commentators,” he writes, “spoke almost winsomely of Ann Romney’s need to humanize Mitt Romney; but no Democratic commentator could speak of the...
It’s more than likely that the next twenty-four hours of news coverage will be about how Michelle Obama didn’t just “humanize” her husband during her DNC speech, she went on the offensive. It was...