Monthly Archive: July 2012


Hippie Chic boat movers is meeting us at the barn today. By 3PM this afternoon MON TIKI should be in the Montauk Marine Basin shipyard an we’ll be getting on to final assembly. It’s...

A Last Plea…

…yes, it’s me again, dear readers. With the 28th rapidly coming up this is just my final bump. Many of you have given already. More have given feedback. All of it is appreciated and...

Gotham Delenda Est

If you can’t tell from the picture, this post will discuss spoilers of both plot and theme in the new Batman movie: The Dark Knight Rises. Ethan Gach has a lovely non-spoiler review here...

R.I.P. Sally Ride

Just the other day we were saying that “It takes cojones to strap yourself to a thirty-six story tall explosive device and ride it literally off the planet.” Well, Dr. Sally Kristen Ride had...

See No Evil

Recently, Doug J highlighted a supremely depressing Washington Post article on resurgent poverty in America, and John flagged a recent Bill Moyers episode featuring Chris Hedges, who spoke about his new book, Days of Destruction,...