Daily Archive: January 25, 2012

Gingrich: The Wrong Conversation

One of the things that makes me a less-than-stellar blogger is that my mind works on a time delay. It takes me time to process information and determine what I think about it. And...

My Favorite Moments from Last Night

Last night’s speech had plenty of specifics that I could be critical of but I’d rather highlight the moments I enjoyed. The first came about halfway through the speech. President Obama talked about the...

wildlife management

SOTU Reactions

I never watch the damn thing. I hate applause. But here are my reactions to the prepared remarks. We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made the United States safer and...

A Primer on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Welcome back, dear reader. Fresh from the waters of history, we move on to a different kind of ship. Today we tackle the beast known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The 21st century will see...

Go Fish!

  The stringers are the biggest change between the Tiki 38 as originally designed by James Wharran and the Tiki 38 we’re building. To meet USCG regulations both the number and size of the...