Dear Washington Post,
Look, I get it. Sales figures are declining. Online ad revenue sucks. This whole fragmented media environment thing hasn’t exactly been gangbusters for business. That Internet video experiment flamed out faster than a Roman...
Look, I get it. Sales figures are declining. Online ad revenue sucks. This whole fragmented media environment thing hasn’t exactly been gangbusters for business. That Internet video experiment flamed out faster than a Roman...
In the wake of the Polanski arrest, one developing meme is that this “controversy” has provoked some divide – ideological or otherwise – among the blogosphere. The moral questions surrounding child rape, you see,...
Will Wilkinson is among our best writers when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration. Today he writes, “But, in my experience, laying out clearly the immense benefits to the immigrants is extremely...
For reading up on commercial real estate, Robert Knakal’s blog is one of my favorite sites. His topics are of interest. He has good commenters that are knowledgable about the commercial real estate business and...
The Leveretts (Flynt and Hillary Mann) have a NyTimes op-ed out on the Iranian situation in light of the revelation of the new nuclear site. Dan Drezner it’s fair to say, he no likey...
From a profile of Miyuki Hatoyama (wife of new Japanese PM Yukio Hatoyama) in Time by Glen Levy: Miyuki, an inspirational speaker and former actress, is literally out of this world. She has recently...