working outside

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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13 Responses

  1. E.D., just in case you somehow ended up delivering ice in northern Indiana at some point and our paths crossed, I apologized: When working in the grocery store, I made, I know, the “The Ice Man Cometh” joke far too many times. (“That’s a cool job” never crossed my mind, though.)

    I don’t know much about forestry jobs, but I’m right with you on this point. And I don’t know that it even needs to be limited to outdoor work. Managing the store, working for my neighbor doing rehab work — this were fantastic experiences in large part because they required both mental and physical labor. Even if it predated my entrance into the blogging world and I wasn’t reading much then, I think the period before I headed out to Maryland was one when I was, on the whole, much sharper mentally than I was in grad school, just because I was more “holistically” active than I was for much of my time out East.Report

  2. E.D. Kain says:

    Right – the physical, intellectual, and spiritual elements of our “selves” are all inextricably tied to one another. I think for some people they are more closely bound than for others. I am far too moody a person to do well without physicality in my life. It clouds my mind and that becomes in turn frustrating, unfocusing, etc.

    And no, my ice delivery days were all in sunny Arizona…Report

  3. When I was doing archaeology we often said that the only difference between ourselves and landscapers was a $40,000 diploma. The physical part of the work was eerily similar. My back is happy I left the profession, by the constant battle with my waistline as I sit 10 hours per day is not always a welcome trade-off.Report

  4. Jaybird says:

    I worked for a while at a restaurant. People came to me thirsty and hungry, I gave them to drink and fed them. Given that the male:female ratio at the place was 1:10, it was great to go there every day and be surrounded by females just a little bit younger than me.

    When one was done at the end of the day, one could sit down with some bread, some wine, and think about how “this is how Jesus felt”.

    That said, the perfect job for a 20-year old is not the perfect job for a 36-year old.

    And vice versa.Report

  5. E.D. Kain says:

    That said, the perfect job for a 20-year old is not the perfect job for a 36-year old.

    Yes but what about the 28 year old???Report

  6. Bob Cheeks says:

    Well, if I had to do it over again I’d be a Trappist monk, if my wife could be a Trappette with me. And, I would wear a Tee shirt that read, “Ask me about my vow of silence.”…….I’m sorry!
    Try John Prine’s Spanish Pipedream, and go find the Port William membership, they’re out their somewhere.Report

    • E.D. Kain in reply to Bob Cheeks says:

      A Trappette, eh? That’s a novel idea. As it happens I do favor priests being allowed to wed, but monks? Not so sure about that… 😉Report

      • Women, though wonderful, possess an incomparable ability to drive a man to drink. This being so, if Trappists are known for their brewing, then should we not advocate that they be permitted to marry? Surely, a brewer-monk who knows first-hand the salutary benefits of a good beer, because he seeks solace from his significant other therein, is a monk whom we wish to have in the Church.Report