Monthly Archive: May 2009

Star Trek

By the way, I saw Star Trek this past weekend and it was great fun.  I’m not a big Trek fan – though I loved some of the old movies when I was a...

Next Up…

…Rush?  Cheney?  Levin?  Beck?  O’Reilly?  Or is the Mancow the only one with the stones not only to actually be waterboarded, but more importantly, to admit that it’s torture. h/t Yglesias

The Guilt By Religious Association Canard

Ken at Popehat has what our friend Kip rightly calls an “important post” up about PZ Myers’ latest crusade to blame all people who believe in a Higher Being for the unconscionable actions taken...

health care and confidence

The question of whether or not to nationalize health care is often framed within a discussion of poverty.  This is a little off target.  First of all, for the poorest Americans, there are already...


…is just frightening to me.  It’s stomach-turning. Conor is right – this just isn’t something a decent person should say regardless.

Where We Fight

Sonny Bunch responds to my earlier post, arguing that overseas military operations divert potential terrorists from domestic attacks. I think this is pretty unpersuasive: 1.) The most spectacular terrorist attack ever carried out -September...

Nice Plan Mr. President…Sure Hope It Lasts

ED writes: I’ve mentioned before that one of the greatest threats to liberty is the imperial presidency.  Once the executive gathers up power, it is – like any other human institution – loath to...

a tale of two speeches

“Obama’s is the speech of a young senator who was once a part-time law professor–platitudinous and preachy, vague and pseudo-thoughtful in an abstract kind of way. […] He’s president. He’s not just a guy...

Get this man a blog

TAP’s Adam Serwer (emphasis mine): I don’t buy this framing. The fact is that there is no middle ground when it comes to due process. With his soaring and sincere rhetoric, the president has...

Terror Talk

In the wake of another botched terror attack, it’s worth noting that the Islamists’ post-9/11 track record is pretty terrible (keep in mind this is in spite of the well-documented incompetence of Homeland Security)....

Notes from a Vacation

My wife and I just returned from Belgium and Prague, where we took a wonderful vacation.  I’m not going to pretend that a few days in the home of the European Parliament or a few more...

around the web on May 20th

Paul Romer envisions Hong Kong like city-states for developing countries. Stephen Walt discusses realism and tolerance, using DODT as a leaping point. Eric Brown and Darwin Catholic discuss bioethics, health care, and Catholic teaching...


Lots of blame to go around in the current decimation of the conservative movement.  I wanted to just break down my own thoughts on some of the competing interests here.  So far we have...

Born Fighting

The author of The Village Voice’s Terminator review must be a Jim Webb fan (emphasis mine): Moon Bloodgood‘s pilot is introduced shaking a luxuriant mane loose from her flight helmet, making a Jennifer Beals–in-Flashdance...

the last word

“The last word” is the most dangerous of infernal machines; and husband and wife should no more fight to get it than they would struggle for the possession of a lighted bomb-shell.”  ~ Douglas...

Flip a COIN

With the apparent (and horrifically bloody) demise of the Tamil Tigers it’s worth I think reviewing the context of this whole counterinsurgency debate.  Basically as Nir Rosen says there are two schools of counterinsurgency....