Mini-Throughput: Why “Natural Immunity” Isn’t All That Hot
There is a tendency in our society to favor “natural” things over artificial things.
There is a tendency in our society to favor “natural” things over artificial things.
In the end, I think a case can be made for notifying the public of the potential risk and encouraging better ventilation and/or the use of oils that produce less chemical emissions.
Just to put it all in one place, so we can appreciate how much happened this year, here are the ten biggest science stories of the year.
We are in a golden age of astronomy, with capabilities exceeding anything we’ve ever had before. And we’ve just gotten another glimpse into the universe
There’s nothing like a near death experience to fix your attitude on life! This year, I have SO MUCH to be grateful for.
A lot of people are claiming that COVID-19 is “no worse than the flu.” Do you have any idea how bad that is?
Walmart is opening clinics. This is not a perfect thing. This is a good thing.
I began to wonder, could that ancient diagnosis of hysteria really just be anemia mixed with a distrust of women’s sexuality?
The frustration of numerous failed trials and no known cure leaves a void that is understandably filled with a concoction of virtuous hope and villainous snake oil salesmen.
GRBs are dangerous. They can kill. But it’s rare. There is one candidate nearby that could be dangerous. But we’re still figuring out whether it is.
Sleep deprivation isn’t a psychological operation or a campaign to erode our democracy. At least, not directly.
Every moment of your life you roll dice against death. Certain things load the dice in death’s favor. Other things load them in yours. But the dice never stop rolling.
I – perhaps ironically – don’t think this is healthy. Life is for living. We’re here for a short time, so make it a good time. In isolation, calorie counts are of limited relevance here.
MS is like living like Cinderella. Everything is beautiful again until the clock bongs at midnight. Darn moonlight.
We all know that being overweight isn’t good for our bodies. And yes, the obesity epidemic is out of control. Fat shaming is not the right response to the problem, though. In fact, it’s making the problem even worse than otherwise would be.
The time to take a serious look at improving the meat production process is now.
A murky legal footing isn’t good for businesses, and it isn’t good for folks who only want to hold down a decent job without letting their health get the better of them.