Whither An Old Problem: Sweden, New York, and Problems with Elderly Care
People are going to die, and there is going to be economic pain. The final numbers of both are what has been, and still is being, negotiated.
People are going to die, and there is going to be economic pain. The final numbers of both are what has been, and still is being, negotiated.
Gregory Rigano is no different from any other clown-show grifters. But at the end of the day, he may end up with the biggest body count
Not everything in America is about race. But when it comes to the coronavirus, race very well could play a factor.
L1: We recently discussed, in this space, the quarantine power of the state, hearkening back to the very early 1900s and the southern scourge of Yellow Fever. Today, while some fervently hope for the...
Why do we keep talking about “the economy” as though it’s not made out of human lives?
I realize the idea is to not discuss current events due to how morbid things have become, but wow, never read about a pandemic during one.
A lot of people are claiming that COVID-19 is “no worse than the flu.” Do you have any idea how bad that is?
America faces a health care crisis, and Colorado is one state that is leading the way in addressing it.
The likely reason the United States will not get drive-through testing is because we lack the testing capability, not because we want to preserve the provider-patient relationship.
President Trump addressed the nation from the Oval Office about the coronavirus outbreak
You don’t need 100 rolls of toilet paper. But, any American household living through flu season should have backup supplies.
I understand that COVID19 is scary. I’m not thrilled about it either. But I don’t trust these guys and gals saying “I’m from the government, I’m here to help you”.
Walmart is opening clinics. This is not a perfect thing. This is a good thing.
This is how a vibrant 50 year old woman goes from active to death’s threshold in a few weeks’ time. It all happened faster than the wheels of bureaucracy turn.
The right to access your health information in a programmatic fashion also gives you the right to unwittingly give a random app developer access to your health information. Is this a right we actually want?
Those Terms of Service agreements are not there for the fun of it, folks. Read them. Otherwise folks not names you will make lots of profit off of you, or things about you, without including you.
The problem with funding veterans programs isn’t that there’s no money to be had. It’s that it’s fragmented and spread across redundant organizations trying to bring a local focus to a nationwide problem.
The frustration of numerous failed trials and no known cure leaves a void that is understandably filled with a concoction of virtuous hope and villainous snake oil salesmen.
BoJack Horseman portrays mental health issues so realistically at times that you almost forget it takes place in a world full of talking animals
In which our hero is nearly mistaken for a drug addict but ultimately gets the help he needs.