Movies, sports, food, relaxation, fun times. At least, hopefully that’s the sort of thing that your weekend promises!
Movies, sports, food, relaxation, fun times. At least, hopefully that’s the sort of thing that your weekend promises!
When a Supreme Court Justice calls an entire city a “delicate subject,” there’s pretty much only one city he could be talking about. Burt Likko breaks down today’s division-of-powers decision.
If an employer sees that a job applicant seems to have some sort of religious need for accommodation contrary to the employer’s policies, isn’t the safer thing for the interviewer to do to avoid dealing with the applicant’s religion at all? Antonin Scalia answers that question and Burt Likko breaks down today’s moderately surprising 8-1 decision.
…Although what they actually did say is really weird.
In a sense, it is the perfect speculative fiction novel, even as it pays unspoken homage to a similarly-themed book by very different authors from thirty-eight years ago.
Outrage drives media sales, after all, nearly as well as does fear and possibly better than does envy. … Fortunately, the law offers a reasonable response to that which is seemingly so outrageous.
The fight in the ring in Las Vegas last weekend was not nearly as tedious as the ones coming up in the courtroom are going to be.
If the three-drug cocktail used for capital punishment is found cruel and unusual, how ever shall we kill our prisoners?
Burt Likko offers what is sure to be the most controversial post in the history of Ordinary Times.
A squib in the popular press. A recollected anecdote. A recent law review article. A reference to ska music from the late 1980’s. A daring proposal resting upon an untestable postulate. A recasting of intellectual incentives.
Perfect blogfodder.
Matt Yglesias achieves Maximum Voxosity with the Voxiest of all Vox articles ever.
Hiram Johnson’s worst nightmare threatens to crawl out of a nasty little cave in Orange County, California.