Sunday, 3PM
At approximately the same time as Stewart Cink was beginning the celebration of the collapse of old age at the terrifying feet of early middle age, Stacy McCain received the 2,000,000th visitor in his blog’s 16-month history (has The Other McCain really only been around for 16 months?), and this site received its 200,000th visitor in slightly less than 6 months. Somewhere there’s a message in all of this. I just have no idea what it is.
If I had to describe Stacy McCain to someone else, I’d say: “at any given time, some combination of irreverent, hyperbolic, brilliant, infuriating, amusing, and stupefying – and sometimes all of those at once.” (How’s that for your quote wall?) Beyond that, as often as he makes me want to bang my head against a wall, I don’t think anyone could ever accuse the dude of being dull, unoriginal, or predictable. That’s a more difficult achievement than it sounds- especially when using the atrocious software that is known as Blogger. So, congrats Stacy (I think)!
That said, 200,000 visitors in less than 6 months without following any of Stacy’s famed “rules” is nothing to sneeze at. I’d even venture a guess that that is more visitors than the 8 of us had combined at our previous sites, some of which were in operation for a lot longer than 6 months (my old site was operational for a good year and a half before the League was formed). For that, we yet again have our fantastic commentariat to thank in no small part- not to mention Andrew Sullivan, Patrick Appel, and Chris Boddener at the Daily Dish, Daniel Larison, John Schwenkler, John Cole at Balloon Juice, Stacy McCain himself, everyone at the American Scene, the good folks at Popehat, Rod Dreher, Matt Yglesias, Dennis Sanders, the Front Porch Republicans, the PoMoCons (especially Mr. Poulos), and The Plank, to name just some of our top referrers. So, thank you all!
(Insert joke here about the hypocrisy of blatantly following Rule 2 in a post disclaiming adherence to McCain’s blogging rules.)
Yes indeed! Thanks to all the commenters and linkers that have made this site so interesting and fun! And congrats to The Other McCain as well….Report
Heads up–on the momentous occasion, there seems to be a bug. This post, unlike any previous League post, showed up without paragraph breaks in Google reader.Report
God Bless RSM.Report
God did. You ever seen McCain’s “banana hammock” picture? Brother’s doing alright in the “being blessed” department.
Ba-dum-ching! I’ll be here all week, try the veal.Report
if we want to drive more traffic we’ll need more rsm-like lists and photos of super hot chicks.Report
Well, what are you waiting for Dierkes???Report
This is probably the choice time for this blog – big enough to have good commenters, not big enough that all the debates devolve to ad hominem and shouting the same points over and over. Also see: Coates at the Atlantic.Report