Daily Archive: July 6, 2009


I think most of the books I’ve read and loved were written by conservatives or libertarians – the fantasy I’ve read was written largely by conservatives, I think because good fantasy plays on themes...

Honduras: WTF?

I fully supported, and continue to support, Obama’s minimal to nonexistent intervention in the Iranian situation last month.  What I cannot fathom is why Obama would now think that intervention on behalf of Zelaya in Honduras...


Fascinating piece up by Brian Doherty on “seasteading” the anti-government project being pursued by grandson of economist Milton Friedman, Patri Friedman, to create modular, stateless “seasteads” on the ocean.  The question that leaps to...

are you kidding me?

In his latest column, Ross Douthat repeats an old canard from the campaign trail: That last statistic is a crucial one. Palin’s popularity has as much to do with class as it does with...