Monthly Archive: May 2019
The Internet Needs a Town Square
The tech industry has near-total control over what we can and cannot say online. The solution? The creation of an online public space where even extremists are permitted to share their views.
Thursday Throughput for 5/9/19
Even with three nuclear disasters, the number of casualties is tiny. And it is especially tiny when compared to the environmental and human cost associated with fossil fuels.
Ordinary Bloggingheads.TV
Our own Michele Kerr made an appearance with Glenn Loury on The Glenn Show, talking about teaching, education, race, and student discipline: This conversation follows a previous one between Loury and Mary Hudson, who...
The Trade and Immigration Views of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are Basically Trump’s
I hope the future of the Democratic party looks more like this than like a nicer, kinder rehash of Trump’s broken agenda.
Wednesday Writs for 5/8
This week: Lawrence v. Texas, ill-conceived lawsuits, lawyers turned jazz musicians, jury duty excuses and litigation for the horses.
There’s Something About Mary Sue
The thing about Mary Sue that makes her interesting despite her triteness is also what makes her 100% for sure not sexist. A Mary Sue is a female conception of an ideal female character.
WV Attorney General Pats Himself on the Back
West Virginia AG Patrick Morrisey vigorously patted himself on the back over a $37M settlement with pharmaceutical giant McKesson. He shouldn’t have.
“Avengers: Endgame” Movie Review
Once the Avengers start getting the band back together, the movie oscillates wildly between broad comedy and some of the grimmer passages that made the first hour so great.
Ordinary Bookclub: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (Chapters 47-64)
Does anybody really deserve to be in Azkaban?
Sunday Morning! On Persona and Jennifer Packer
On a great contemporary artist, a Bergman classic, and the cruelty and care of depicting others.
Diablo III and the Death of God
In Diablo III, Heaven and its angels reveal themselves to be far more complicated, and far from the conception of good one might think