Monthly Archive: December 2013
The Virtual Musical Advent Calendar, December 13: The Smile of Rachael Ray
The Smile of Rachel Ray is the best Christmas song you’ve never heard of.
Pro Defensore Twitter
Burt Likko’s contrarian friend offers a counterpoint to our front pager’s well-known dislike of Twitter as a medium of expression.
Open Thread: Opposite Day
I am **VERY EXCITED** to read your comments! Conor Williams has two kids and a PhD. Tweets here. Clue to inside joke here.
Linky Friday #47
Linky Friday returns! This week: Progress, Work, Culture, Sports, Governance, Health, Earth, and Beyond!
Michigan regains lead in “Worst Legislature in the Country” Award….
Despite stiff competition from many state houses and even the US Capitol this season, the Michigan Legislature has managed to pull off a surprise upset in the “Worst Legislature” Bowl by overriding Governor Rick...
Hi, We’re The Sun and We’re Giant Racists
Poor little Madi. Let’s use her to spew our hateful rhetoric.
These Three Graphs Prove That Bitcoin Is a Speculative Bubble
Bitcoin’s value has been driven almost entirely by speculation, and I have the graphs to prove it. (Updated, now with another graph!)
Remember, we have to learn to walk before we can learn to run
A recent Fox commentary on African Americans and Christmas gives Tod Kelly hope that the GOP has finally decided to be grownups, even as it offers a clue as to how far they have to go.
The Virtual Musical Advent Calendar, December 11: Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!
Well. After a week of Holiday dysfunction, cynicism, plagiarism and early-morning drinking, I think we’re due to have a little good cheer, don’t you? And there aren’t many Holiday songs more bursting with...
The Stress of Left Regard
We’ve all heard about right wing backlash against Pope Francis. But what about backlash from the left?
The Virtual Musical Advent Calendar, December 11: Another Christmas Song
A look at Another Christmas Song, as well as a review of the worst Christmas novelty songs of all time.