Monthly Archive: December 2013

Deactivated Friendships

Every day I’d scroll through my feed after making sure that the page showed all activity and not only the top stories, but as my eyes passed over each status update, I rarely read every word or paused to think about the people telling me something about their lives.

I Am Jack’s Banished Dog.

People with Aspergers might appear to not be interested in friendship, but the reality is we really desire them. The problem is that we don’t know how to do it and relationships bring a lot of stress to us because we are constantly guessing how to act and fearful we will make a mistake.

Toxic Relationships

Masses of people agreeing to vote for officials who want to go to war, continue using the death penalty, and tend to oppose programs that would support the poor all so those officials will do little more than pay lip service to the virtue of female chastity surely isn’t the ideal arrangement for a democracy.

Public Spaces

The social contract of public spaces is one of our most sacred agreements and yet one of the institutions most often subjected to violations of our trust. How this matters and what should be our response.