On the Fetishization of Employment
The job of the economy is to get the stuff we want, not to keep people employed.
The job of the economy is to get the stuff we want, not to keep people employed.
Still think you want to be a lawyer? Learn about the glamour of trying a case in a ski resort!
It’s almost The Holidays? What the heck! When did this happen? It was just April! I mean, what’s on your docket?
The America-destroying consequences of Obamacare continue to play out in ways no one could have predicted. Now, you must choose…
In which manure explains the unholy alliance between big government and big corporations.
A trick play in California: For those that don’t want to watch the video, the QB takes the ball and starts yelling at the sidelines that there’s something wrong with the ball. What the...
…if employers reducing costs by cutting labor costs ala Walmart is laudable, does that make Costco the world’s greatest monster?
Etymologically, the French word dénouement is derived from the Old French word desnouer, “to untie”, from nodus, Latin for “knot.”
Not only do I not think Walmart is the source of all evils in the world, but I actually have gotten over my elitist sense of the place and now consider myself a customer....
Some Amazon employees are suing over unpaid security searches: A Pennsylvania man who works for Internet retail giant Amazon says the company is taking advantage of workers by putting them through daily security checks...
Representative Trey Radel (R-FL) pleaded guilty this morning to cocaine possession. As Radel recently voted to drug test all food stamp recipients, the temptation is strong simply to smile and declare that it couldn’t...
“Changing the words of Naram-Sin, the living god, is treason, because he is the king. But changing the words of Gudea, simple governor of Lagaš, is unjust, because he made things work right.” —...
Put on your bell bottoms, your platform shoes, your leisure suits, and your high hair, ’cause the 70s are here.
Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, now with the Family Research Council, wants to be like the Jesus who was a “man’s man,” who had “big, bulging biceps” and “smelled bad.” Nothing is stopping...
This is a pretty minor story for anyone outside of Florida’s 19th district, Congress-critter-wise. But I want to briefly touch on it because it underscores one of the inherent problems I’ve been talking about...