Saturday Jukebox: Pepper
This song has been stuck in my head for roughly four days. May it now be stuck in yours.
by Will Truman · August 17, 2013
Will Truman
Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.
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I heard this song recently on the radio with my son who had never heard it (he’s 15). He started to change the station, and I told him to stop ’cause I hadn’t heard it in forever (probably well over a decade, which makes hearing it twice in 6 weeks weird). We listened all the way through, and he said in a tone of disgust, “You used to listen to that?”Report
Feh. Young people today…Report
What’s sad (for me) is that his taste has been much more diverse and in some ways more sophisticated since he was 10 or 11 and really started listening to music on his own, than mine ever was as a kid.Report
he said in a tone of disgust, “You used to listen to that?”
It was the 90’s, man! We didn’t know what was going on! We thought “Netscape” was going to be a thing! We were awash in “Free AOL” and “Columbia CD Club” discs that our roommate had scammed by signing his cat up again!
You know, I didn’t really care too much for this song at the time…but it’s not so bad, though it’s making me think of both “Loser” and that Folk Implosion song.Report
Oh man, that Folk Implosion song. Another one I haven’t heard in forever.Report
For the longest time (like, until last year) I thought Pepper was by Cake.
(and really until this post, I didn’t even know what this song was called. I thought this post was going to about the Hawaiian Ska-Regae bro band)Report
Sorry kid – it can’t all be your Skrillexs, your Taylor Swifts, your Robin Thickes.Report
It is scary. In this thread I was going to post this exact same song. I heard it a few months ago on one of those grunge stations on satellite radio that was playing in a restaurant and the floodgates of memories opened.
Then of course, there is a word in this song that was used in this thread too.Report
I assume the first link is supposed to go to the Guilty post. If so, yeah, that was what had me decide to post this video. I almost mentioned it there as well.Report
Yes. Yes it was. I ended up commenting on Bon Jovi vis-a-vis the Meadowlands.
Todd Flanders: I’m a surfer!Report
DJ Shadow, Midnight in a Perfect World. It’s the soundtrack for a strange dream I’ve been having lately, of a pearly sphere maybe a foot in diameter, which a voice tells is an Orb visual control object and warns me that Orb cannot be subclassed. I respond to the voice, saying I would only want to add it to a Collection class.Report
Makes me think of this album cover I just saw:
Which in turn reminded me of this one:
And like every single album cover by Future Sound of London.Report
Don’t forget The Orb!Report
Remember some of FSOL’s CDs had lenticular covers?
DJ Shadow, whom I don’t particularly like, always makes me think of Danger Mouse, which reminds me of another guilty pleasure:
I don’t just like that song.Report
Who doesn’t like Shadow?! That’s crazy talk!Report
That is the reaction I get every time I say that.
And I get the same look I get when I tell people that I don’t like donuts.Report
DJ Shadow is rather old stuff and I haven’t listened to him in ages. Which is why it was surprising for this piece to turn up in my dream.
Broken Bells does nothing for me. Sorry.
What’s in the headphones nowReport
Chacun son goût.Report
Un imbécile chante pour les autres et ils danseront tous ensemble.Report
Wait, you don’t like DJ Shadow, but you do like that song you just posted? Because I like both DJ Shadow and that song you just posted, mightily respect your opinions, and am now confused.Report
I don’t think it’s a rational preference. It just is.
If I remember correctly, you like Danger Mouse, right?Report
In terms of Danger Mouse’s batting average, I’d argue he’s the greatest of all time, at least in terms of producing music that appeals specifically to me.Report
I am a Danger Mouse fan as well, which is probably why I really like Broken Bells despite not liking The Shins (in fact, having an active distaste for The Shins, likely due to overexposure).
Also, I think you’ll appreciate this (going by memory of past music conversations in this forum): I spent much of the weekend’s down time listening to Lovage. I enjoy that album immensely.Report
I am absolutely alone in celebrating Lovage as Dan the Automator’s best work, this despite loving almost everything else he’s ever done.Report
Well, I admit that I am a huge Handsome Boy Modeling School fan, but despite apparently being panned by critics, I think Lovage is really good. It’s definitely a fun listen, and the Berlin cover is friggin’ awesome.
I also love Deltron 3030.
In fact, as someone who loves HBMS, Deltron 3030, and Latryx, it makes absolutely no sense that I am not a DJ Shadow fan as well.Report