What happened to the “danged fence”?
You won’t find me getting terribly agitated about immigration reform either way – I think it’s the right thing to do, but I don’t see it as much of an opportunity to gain Hispanic-vote...
You won’t find me getting terribly agitated about immigration reform either way – I think it’s the right thing to do, but I don’t see it as much of an opportunity to gain Hispanic-vote...
Since these are going on the front page now, I guess I’ll start having to add more than just the picture.
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already? Indeed it is. I moved out here my senior year of high school. (I’m not complaining, I’m just saying.) I made a handful of very close friends but,...
A guilty pleasure of mine is the reality show “Wife Swap”. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, the basics are as simple as the name implies: two families swipe wives/mothers* for two...
I’m pretty sure that if this sort of celebration happened more frequently, we could get Doc Saunders to become the League’s biggest sports fan. Maybe this is how wrestling finds its way back...
Conservatives have drawn lines in the silliest of wars: the war on bikes.
They asked if we ripped them. We said that we did. Eumenides? There. That’s as good as I could do on short notice. Get your copy of The Kindly Ones. It all comes down...
A read. That post, in a nutshell, does a good job of explaining the underlying ethos that makes me reject iLife products.
It’s looking like we may be passing through Chicago with a little too much proximity to rush hour. Back home in Colosse, you can avoid the worst of it by taking a loop around the city. Is there any option in Chicago that would allow us to avoid the worst of the traffic by bypassing the city (or the city’s core)?
One of NPR’s pop culture reviewers got the cinematic equivalent of nachos with extra cheese sauce the other day. It’s fun and tasty even though you know it’s not good for you. The reviewer seems like she has only just discovered the joy of Bad Cinema, but now she’s hooked. In particular she seems amazed that they got “Actual Actor John Heard” to pummel a foam rubber shark with a barstool. The way that works, of course, is that the Actual […]
I fully recognize that the MLB All-Star Game is primarily an exhibition, in spite of the Commissioner’s attempt to “make it count” instead of just doing what the NBA and NHL does and just assign home-field advantage in the championship round to the team with the better record*. And I get that the MLB All-Star Game MVP matters even less. But awarding it to Mariano Rivera for the impressive task of throwing a single shut-out inning, a feat 5 other […]
If sex is no different than any other kind of activity, why are sexual contracts uneforceable?
I meant to post about this at the outset, but time got away from me. So I have a plan for a series of posts where I am going to take a picture of every Trumanverse state I cross through. This includes Minnetaria, where I will never be more than a mile or two from the border. When it’s all done, I’ll add links to all the pictures and bump this post up, where it’ll be an index for all […]