Monthly Archive: March 2012

A Bloggy Puttanesca

(A staple in my house since my single years, a puttanesca is a cheap, low-class pasta dish that clears out little bits of other stuff from the fridge you are trying to get rid...

Who do you like in the second?

Presuming that Mitt is indeedy the nominee, which seems to be locked in at this point… … who’s the Veep pick? I will say it’s not going to be Santorum or Newt or Perry…...

Adrienne Rich: a modulated cantata.

Adrienne Rich has passed away.   Encountering Adrienne Rich’s poems was a revelation.   Here was a feminist of a different sort, one who spoke to a young man like me in a voice wise and...

I don’t know what your healthcare costs

… and I’ll bet your doctor doesn’t, either. Okay, that’s is a bit of an overstatement.  I know what my little bit of my patients’ healthcare costs are.  I know what my practice charges...

Timothy Sandefur at PLF

My friend Timothy Sandefur just happens to be one of the country’s leading libertarian public-interest attorneys. He’s doing some great work explaining and commenting on the Obamacare case at the Pacific Legal Foundation’s blog....

Jay Nordlinger Doesn’t Care About Black People

Contrary to what I imagine every non-wingnut first thought upon reading it, this piece was not actually written by Stephen Colbert [emphasis mine]: Every once in a while, something will happen that makes me think, “Oh,...

Enhanced Pat-Down

My deposition ended in just enough time for me to catch an earlier flight back home than scheduled. But my suit today has all the metal parts: suspenders and tie bar and cuff links...