Daily Archive: April 1, 2010

These Are Our Allies

Tomorrow, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia intends to behead a 46-year old father of five for the “crime” of hosting a Lebanon-based fortune-telling satellite television show.   There are no words…

A Better Plan for Energy Security?

A little-reported fact:  Obama’s recent announcement of expanded off-shore drilling was made at Andrews Air Force Base before a military audience with President Obama speaking not as a civilian leader, but as commander-in-chief. That’s...

Pop Quiz

From Foreign Policy: Which country has the highest percentage of its population in a DNA database? The answer, which may surprise you, is below the fold:

____, baby, ____!

Sarah Palin: “Stall, baby, stall“. This is, of course, a variation on, “Drill, baby, drill!” That seems to be a variation of “Burn, baby, burn!” which has always struck me as strange, since the...

Secret Smut

A quirky window into consumer behavior: As e-readers boom, bibliophiles take advantage of online anonymity to purchase more trashy romance novels. Will science fiction and fantasy authors enjoy similar dividends?

perspective in illustration

Andrew Sullivan spins and spins

In yet another misleading and emotionally driven post, Andrew Sullivan attempts to spin the decision to suspend the canonical trial of Father Lawrence Murphy into a cover-up by then Cardinal Ratzinger. This despite the...