Monthly Archive: March 2010


“This book was one of my earliest introductions to fantasy and thus to the limits (or lack of limits) of the imagination. I read Dragonlance before I read Tolkien, and was just amazed by...

For Non-Blonds

I’ve learned one thing from listening to Phillip Blond’s recent talk at Georgetown: I’m no Red Tory. My turning point came about halfway through the lecture. Blond had thrown out a few zingers here...

wildlife management

The Sarah Palin Effect

Personally, I’m a Palin agnostic, but this line in an article in the recent Catholic Register cracked me up: “(T)he American-born professor also warns that a close association between conservative, reactionary politics and religion...

The Final Revival of Opal and Nev

The Polls and the Polis

In a really crackerjack post, Mr. Dierkes, writes: “The hallmark of the liberal procedural republic according to Sandel is that citizens are treated as consumers. The market becomes the dominant form of thought and...

Blond with Sandel(s)

Two of the League’s brethren attended Philip Blond’s lecture at Georgetown last week.  Will’s review here, David’s here. For those interested, Blond’s thought has been a source of numerous posts in the League’s annals...