Monthly Archive: February 2010

High speed rail U.S.A.

Opponents of high speed rail make several points about its viability: rail is a “19th century” mode of transportation; rail would be under-used and therefore would need massive subsidies to function; infrastructure in the...

An unsettled dogma

Jonah Goldberg has a very smart response to Jim Manzi’s reflections on “liberty-as-means” libertarians vs. “liberty-as-goal” libertarians.  I want to focus on Jonah’s post here, but you should read Manzi as well.  Jonah writes:...

Spat of the Day

Obama: “When times are tough, you tighten your belts…You don’t blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.” Harry Reid: ” . . . the President needs to...

Quote of the Day

Von at Obsidian Wings: Today’s outrage is the fact that Rahm Emanuel called some of President Obama’s supporters “f-cking retarded.”  Sarah Palin wants him to step down.  That’s not unexpected, coming from her.  Sarah Palin is...

The GOP and Corporatism

Those easily sickened should avoid reading this Slate article, which recounts KBR’s infuriating attempt to shuffle an employee who was allegedly gang-raped into private arbitration instead of allowing her a day in court. The...