Double standards
When the House recently passed a healthcare bill which included restrictions on the use of federal money to subsidize abortion, liberals were up in arms. “It restricts choice!” they cried. Let’s oppose it! Let’s...
When the House recently passed a healthcare bill which included restrictions on the use of federal money to subsidize abortion, liberals were up in arms. “It restricts choice!” they cried. Let’s oppose it! Let’s...
” The premise of today’s story was that the Catholic Church was threatening to cease to provide charitable services if the law legalizing gay marriage is passed. In point of fact, it is the...
Hey kids, just a heads up – I’m guest-blogging at Spencer Ackerman’s digs. So for those of you who can actually tolerate my blogging, head over there for today.
An essential post from Bartlett on the trivial differences between Europe and the United States. Speaking as someone who managed to survive growing up on that benighted continent, it’s high time we move beyond...
This might be more James Poulos’s department (or maybe James Joyner’s), but this caught my eye from the cover story on Megan Fox in the NyTimes Magazine [link fixed]. Ms. Fox states: “It’s been...
David Harsanyi admits the obvious: Twitter is basically useless. Sure, I understand the social appeal, and my will to resist setting up an account will probably erode over time. But why a 140-character format...
The Onion ranks ’em – let the arguments commence! After reading the list, you begin to realize how consistently excellent the last few years of television have been. My personal top five consists of...
James Matthew Wilson, an editor at Front Porch Republic, has posted the first four sections of an essay called “Art and Beauty against the Politicized Aesthetic,” and the fifth and final section is on...
As much as I appreciate Jamelle’s Darkwing Duck references (though personally, I’ve always preferred TaleSpin), I think he’s being a bit unfair to skeptics of health insurance reform here. Jamelle argues that we can’t...
Galley Slaves points to a nice little parody in Vanity Fair: Malcolm Gladwell takes on Christmas — with social science!
Jules Crittenden sneers at Ambassador Eikenberry’s recommendation not to deploy troops to Central Asia, noting “that Eikenberry commands no troops in Afghanistan.” Well, bashing the diplomatic corps is de rigueur among the more vulgar...
This Gallup poll has gotten a bunch of attention, and I figure it’s worth posting here: Yesterday, Ruth Marcus (or rather, whoever writes her subheadline) called the House debate over the health care bill...
By Wyeth Ruthven Forget conference committees, any observer of health care reform needs to add the term “ping-pong” to their legislative vocabulary. Ping-pong is a little known but increasingly used procedural device to pass...
Via Kevin Drum it looks like nobody stuck watching CNN will have to suffer through any more of Lou Dobbs’ nonsense! CNN still employs Nancy Grace, however, so not all is true and good...
Round 2 of the debate on the future of the American Right between John Hawkins of Right Wing News and Conor Friedersdorf is up. It is again quite civilized even as both participants remain...
When the Ambassador to Afghanistan tells you the host gov’t is for s–t and not to bother sending any more troops until they get it together (i.e. never imo), the President ought to seriously...
This report pretty clearly demonstrates why “not as bad as Corzine” will, in practice, amount to “no different than Corzine.” New Jersey needed a governor with an actual plan to attack its fiscal problems beyond...
Nate Silver breaks down international soccer (ratings here). In related news, Mark Thompson and Ordinary Will have achieved nirvana.
So, the Heritage Foundation puts together a database and a project intended to create public awareness about the overcriminalization of federal law, highlighting just some of the many problems with our criminal justice system. ...