Monthly Archive: October 2009

Google Bleg

I know Freddie thinks Google wants to eat our souls (along with that nefarious Steve Jobs) but I kind of like the monolithic software company, personally.  Lately I’ve really grown attached to Google Chrome....

Mad Men

This excellent Atlantic article on the show echoes a few criticisms first aired in an equally excellent Culture11 review last year. Unfortunately, the original article is lost to the Internets, but I found a...

Float On

After reading several accounts of the Ephemerisle Festival (for those interested, a more in-depth explanation of the event – and seasteading – can be found here), I’m more convinced than ever that I really...

more of the same

Part of what makes the Israel-Palestine debate so wearying is that so many fundamental broken arguments have a remarkable persistence. This is largely a result of the huge role that emotionalism, ad hominem and...

You can go your own way

Many readers are undoubtedly suspicious of self-indulgent exercises in libertarian wankery, but this excellent dialogue from Reason raises some interesting questions about the nature of governance, freedom and culture. As someone who grew up...

Reminder of the Day

KipEsquire, on Twitter: “Still get the giggles at Twitterers whose Bio lines read “Conservative. Libertarian.” What’s next – “Mormon. Jew.”?” Well, in addition to attempting the “Conservative. Libertarian.” double, Mitt Romney has also legendarily...

nota bene

The recently-interviewed Conor Friedersdorf is starting a twitter feed where he aggregates what he feels is the best nonfiction writing. Check it out at .