Monthly Archive: September 2009

Revisiting Munich

With hawks pulling out the Munich analogy every time the US or UK makes a concession to some regime deemed sufficiently evil in the court of public opinion, Alex Massie revisits Neville Chamberlain’s actions...

Should we have invaded Hungary in 1956?

The decision to remove missile defense systems from Eastern Europe has provoked a lot of unusually silly commentary, but the latest from Townhall deserves special recognition: It is all too reminiscent of the Hungarian...


Conor points us to this post by Kelley Vlahos on private military contractors and the myriad abuses committed by them on the taxpayers’ dime.  Writes Vlahos: Thanks to whistle-blowers — at the threat of...


Bunch approvingly links to this piece of music criticism from ESPN (?), the thesis of which seems to be that the Beatles, while great for their time, haven’t aged very well. I’ll leave the...

Frummaging Through Foreign Policy

David Frum is Dickensian: the best and worst of Republican thinkers.  Assuming there are any left.  His work on a domestic reform based conservatism is I think excellent.  His foreign policy views, eh, not...

Translating Lingua Limbaugh

I see this story percolating through the left side of the blogosphere today.  It seems to be missing the context necessary to accurately interpret what Limbaugh was actually saying, which was a different kind...

Jack Hunter on Glenn Beck

I know I just said stop talking about the talking heads – but I think that Jack Hunter is on to something in this post. First off, let me just say that before Beck...

Missile Defense

Nuclear disarmament is the college debate topic this year, so happily I’m paying closer attention to nukes than to, say, taxpayer-funded prostitution rings. The latest development is fairly straightforward: Obama plans to disassemble a...

ACORN stuff.

So the ACORN videos are crossing over to CNN and the Daily Show (h/t: Conor). At this point, it seems rather hard to deny that there’s something wrong with ACORN. By appearances, it looks...

technical difficulties

We are experiencing technical difficulties.  If OG’s want – this is a good time to NOT post and not be logged in to the site.  I’m not sure what’s wrong or when it will...