Monthly Archive: September 2009
vanilla RIP
Rortybomb mourns the death of the “vanilla option” for credit card holders, which is a financial reform I liked, too. I’m sure it would have been abused somehow or other, but it would have...
ruse of the red tories
Phillip Blond is hard at work on his book, Red Tory, following the great success of his essay Rise of the Red Tories. He has a piece critiquing the “state authoritarianism and private libertarianism”...
Why ACORN filed a lawsuit (complaint here) against Andrew Breitbart and the two conservative filmmakers (James O’ Keefe and Hannah Giles) who video recorded ACORN employees giving advice as to how to classify underage prostitutes on tax forms...
Richard Posner, Keynesian
Richard Posner has an interesting essay on John Maynard Keynes in The New Republic. I’m still trying to untangle all the various ideas and contradictions implicit in this economic downturn. There are many competing...
quote for the day
“The devotional behavior of some grassroots Mac cultists is like a “Windows launch party,” but sincere. See” –Matt Frost
bad ads
I was just thinking about obnoxious web ads when I stumbled on this post at Outside the Beltway. If anyone wants to combat these annoying ads there are a number of Firefox plug-ins that...
Behind Door #3 in Afghanistan
Br. Will is right that scaling down the Afghanistan effort in favor of civilian air strikes, just “air raiding the place” as then Candidate Obama called it, would by itself lead to more civilian...
Less Troops = More Indiscriminate Air Strikes
The relationship between boots on the ground and civilian casualties in Afghanistan doesn’t get much clearer than in this Washington Post article: On July 2, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO...
Connecting a few more dots
Ta-Nehisi Coates: There’s a part in The Audacity Of Hope, where writing about race, Obama notes that, rightly or wrongly, a significant swath of white people are exhausted, and repeatedly scolding them (even if...
quote for the morning
“We conservatives have little business decrying euthanasia unless we also stand against the elimination of old folks from our everyday experience. This, not Obama’s health plan, is our society’s significant step towards doing away...
The most bizarre thing you’ll see all day
An incredibly weird picture inspired by the conservative activist who filmed the infamous ACORN videos (via):
Tedious nothing?
Charles Johnson takes a hatchet to Robert Stacy McCain. McCain responds to “Mad King Charles.”
(Don’t) Carry Me Back To Ol’ Virginie
I’ve never understood the appeal of Confederate nostalgia to libertarians. No matter how enamored you are with states’ rights, subsidiarity and all the rest, it seems to me that institutionalized chattel slavery is a...
Strange Bedfellows
It seems that Ralph Peters – best known as an unfailing advocate of the Chechen school of counter-insurgency tactics – has jumped aboard the “get out of Afghanistan now” bandwagon: Yet, in Afghanistan, we’ve...
Money on my mind, ’cause money is what I’m thinkin’
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post explaining a few possible ways we could raise revenue, in light of the – as of yet accounted for – long-term structural deficits in the Obama...
Glenn Beck for Peace
Two things about this post from Peter Wehner at Commentary. I couldn’t agree more that Beck doesn’t represent the “disposition” we want associated with conservatism. But far more interesting is this:
soft bigotry, meet low expectations, part II
Conor Friedersdorf continues to muck around in the Big Hollywood fever swamp. He links approvingly to this piece, entitles his post “The NEA Flirts with Propaganda,” and says “This is another item getting most...