Monthly Archive: June 2009

wildlife management

the big picture

The Big Picture has some amazing, startling photos up on the protests.  Momentum is building.  This is certainly not just any protest.  This is game-changing.  I remain optimistic.

yes but why so blatantly?

There’s a fairly wide consensus building that the Iranian election results were fraudulent.  Much speculation exists regarding the who, why, etc.  John Holbo wonders why the apparent fraud was so crudely done.  It’s a...

what’s next

It has to be said: we are probably not going to see a democratic revolution in Iran. There is every reason to believe Ahmadinejad will remain in power in the near future. That wouldn’t...

plea for the green

Please, please let this often well-meaning but always clumsy democracy have the wisdom and the foresight to show restraint, to have the deft touch we have so often lacked. Please. Iran has many, many...

Making Sense

Partially dissenting from the Paul Krugman column on right-wing hatred, Jon Henke makes some good points about guilt-by-right-or-left-association charges in general.  He concludes with “two ironies” that are pretty relevant: The Left strenuously objects...

the big hate

Paul Krugman worries about the main-streaming of ultra-right-wing nuttery vis-a-vis the likes of Glenn Beck.  I mentioned this a while back actually.  Things will get worse before they get better.