Monthly Archive: May 2009

New Belgium

Good read about “sustainable beer” at American Progress.  Fat Tire is one of my favorite beers, and 1554 and Skinny Dip are pretty bloody good also.  We drink a lot of New Belgium brews...

“A Tale of Two Exurbs”

One downside to Republicans’ lack of interest in “new ideas” is that they’ve effectively ceded policy discussions on a host of emerging issues to liberals, which is presumably why this fascinating piece on exurban...

Teaching Moments

This depressing Los Angeles Times story inspired a pretty interesting debate on teacher unions over at the American Scene. In comments, Freddie mounts a persuasive defense of union-backed tenure for professional educators, arguing that...

a quote for the morning

“Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. And it doesn’t feel right to make fun of crazy people. Better, perhaps, to focus on the real policy debates, which are all among Democrats.But here’s the thing:...


In my current place – where I sit and type this right this very moment – it is too damn hot.  I do not do well in the heat (thinking, writing, organizing etc.) unless...

The Underdog

Gladwell’s latest article is a fun excursion, replete with guerrilla tactics, the press defense, and a few egregious over-generalizations. Read the whole thing here.