I may not always agree with his politics, but you have to give the guy credit for style. This is not your grandfather’s president. When they talk about him being the first postmodern president this is what they mean. His slam on Steele’s faux ghetto slang & persona (minute 5) is unreal–and completely deserved. I almost lost a lung. And then he burns Boehner to a crisp (pt 2 minute 1). Beyond that his bringing of his self-mockery on his irony while being meta is pretty good too (check the joke about the 73rd day).
Even references the greatest newscaster of all time Ron Burgundy.
The jokes on Biden were weak, some dumb self-congratulation (the joke about the media voting for him), the inevitable cringe-inducing schmaltz, but he gets good shots in on Emanuel, Hillary (Chuck Todd like it), and Geithner. Not to mention one joke that definitely DID NOT work. You’ll see.
Pt I:
Pt II:
The media-voting-for-him joke was intended, I think, as a jab at suspicions that the “mainstream media” is in fact the “liberal media” which was biased in Obama’s favor during the election. Not the same as self-congratulation.Report
Yeah I think you’re right about the intention of the joke. But the reaction from the crowd (to me) suggested that they didn’t really get it as joke so much as adulation. He did however get a good dig in with his apology/calling out of the Fox News Table.Report