Monthly Archive: May 2009

Sunday Poem Series

from Poem 64 by Catullus, translated by Horace Gregory (Some people don’t like Gregory’s translation because of his somewhat freewheeling liberties with the text. But I find his work to be by far the...


…When a talk show host accuses someone who disagrees with them of hating their country or expresses hope that a political leader fails or that someone suffer a horrible act of violence, they are...

In Defense of Figureheads

Using Geraldo Rivera as a barometer of Latino opinion is probably a bad idea, but there was something oddly touching about this (via): I have goosebumps,” says Rivera, 65, born to a Catholic, Puerto...

Run Sestak Run

He says he’s in against Specter.  Good for him. Pennsylvania is going deep blue.  And the Penn Republicans are going hard-right base wackos.  Unless they do an about face and talk Tom Ridge into...

Stop the attacks?

Matthew Schmitz wants counter-conservatives to stop attacking the right-wing talk radio pundits: If the goal of Conor and others who have attacked talk radio is to save the Republican Party,  I’m at a loss...