Tagged: Facebook


If I Ran Facebook

We DON’T need to get the government involved.They just need to put ME in charge. Seriously, I know exactly what needs to be done to make Facebook a better experience for all of us.


Pushed Over the Edge

What sort of bullying conduct would cross a threshold into criminality? It certainly seems that a person who sets out to drive a person to their death and succeeds should face some sort of punishment.


Wednesday Writs for May 1st

Even in the early 70s, lawyers arguing at SCOTUS didn’t get very far before being peppered with questions. Ginsburg argued for 11 straight minutes.


Ordinary World 26 Nov 2018

Your Ordinary World for 26 Nov 2018 with links about healthcare, community, AOC, regulating Big Tech, a different take on red state/blue state, China’s revisionist history, and the death of charity walk-a-thons.