Latest Round of Stimulus Debated in Congress
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has unveiled the plan for another $3 trillion in spending to offset the effects of the Coronavirus economic shutdown.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has unveiled the plan for another $3 trillion in spending to offset the effects of the Coronavirus economic shutdown.
We’re left with a couple guys who I said again and again, I’ll vote for just about anybody except for those two. And yet here we are. Those two.
What to make of what happened last night while forecasting the next Super Tuesday that is coming up on, well, Tuesday?
Democrats are coalescing around ideology – and ideology will be the death of the big tent.
Holy Bleep what a mess. And Iowa and the Democratic Party have no one but themselves to blame for it.
The GOP still controls the vast majority of state legislatures and outnumbers the Democrats in states where they control both the governor’s house and the legislature. And that matters a lot.
Before we begin months of poll watching let’s look back on how we got to this moment in history…
Politically, for the 2020 election cycle, we as a nation are going to get a really poor return for our time invested in Iowa.
The latest, and mercifully the last, Democratic Debate for 2019 is in the books. Let’s talk about it.
Kamala Harris does not want to be the token black candidate hanging around to make the Democratic Party feel comfortable.
In The Race To See Who Can Stop Biden, A New Challenger Emerges – And He Could Be Biden’s Easiest Foe To Beat
The problem with idols is they are man made, and those who made them know it deep down, no matter how much magic, signs, and wonders the crowd attributes to it.
There were not any huge fireworks from this one, so the fair question to ask outside the breakdown is, “Is anything going to be different tomorrow?”
We seem to be reaching the end of the daring each other phase of impeachment.
I would love to have some insightful, thoughtful bit of analysis here but…frickin’ why?
One thing the train wreck hearing should do is lay to rest any notion the Judiciary Committee is going to produce anything politically effective.
It rings hollow when the powers that be point out the obvious-that you are not viable-and the known-from-the-start non-viable candidate starts crying foul.
Symposium: Symposium: She might not have many positions of her own that are agreeable but the ability to shift them at the drop of a hat is not one that should be ignored.