Category: Weekend
Saturday Spins: Ryan Adams
This album release is credited as a solo Ryan Adams record, however, musically it is a Ryan Adams & The Cardinals record through and through.
Weekend Plans: The Snowstorm That Wasn’t
We were promised 3 inches of snow. Then 6 inches of snow. Then 9 inches of snow.
Saturday Spins: Big Star
I discovered Big Star later on after they were championed by some of my favorite artists like Ryan Adams and Mike Viola
Saturday Spins: The Grateful Dead
In 1970 the Grateful Dead released two albums in the space of four months drenched in folk-rock and Americana. One of these albums is American Beauty.
Weekend Plans: Small Pleasures
Tiny things that might not change your life, but will definitely change your day
Sunday Spins: Wilco
I did receive a consolation prize with my Wilco order though: a plain black number 2 pencil with “ODE TO JOY” carved into the wood.
Saturday Spins: Sturgill Simpson
Sound & Fury is decidedly not a country album in any way. That is what makes it and Sturgill so great.This is also where the divisiveness sets in…
Weekend Plans Post: Frozen Pizza
Sometimes you want pizza that you bought a couple of weeks ago at a time when you were thinking “hey, I will probably want this in a couple of weeks”.
Monday Morning! “Paris Without End: the True Story of Hemingway’s First Wife”
Moving out after a breakup delayed me from posting on time about this biographical history of a famous literary breakup!
Saturday Spins: Rancid Ska
This week I will be covering punk rock outfit Rancid. The twist is the randomizer spit out an official/unofficial compilation of their best ska tracks.
Weekend Plans Post: The Best Man
Oh, not me. I did my best man thing a million years ago.
Someone else.
Saturday Spins
In order to put my ~600 LPs and EPs to good use, and to continue my war against streaming music and other low-quality ways to digest music, I have conceived the idea of reviewing...
Weekend Plans Post: What’s almost as Good as a Vacation?
What’s almost as good as going on vacation?
Why, when your boss and your boss’s boss go on vacation.
Weekend Plans Post: Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish
Some weeks you just want to kick in the butt as they walk out the door.
Weekend Plans Post: Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans
Houseguests and Russian Novels