Category: First Person

Note: Presentation of these texts or “accounts” of “real world” “experience” from the perspective of “individuals” going about “their” “lives” should not be taken to imply an official Ordinary Times position as to the ontological status or scientifically verifiable existence of so-called “ego.”



Every year, you see, we eat our pancakes and talk about the year behind and the year before. It might even be our biggest household holiday.

purple Massachusetts

A Prayer Request

I’m going to be selfish and take advantage of my public platform, limited though it is, to ask for your prayers this Tuesday


Grief and Gratitude

I spent Thanksgiving—then Christmas—in the company of my family, forced almost against my will to love and be loved. And it was marvelous.


On Iceland

“We’re going to Iceland. In April. I can get two hotel rooms with my points. You get the car.” So I went to Iceland. You should go to Iceland.