Category: First Person
Note: Presentation of these texts or “accounts” of “real world” “experience” from the perspective of “individuals” going about “their” “lives” should not be taken to imply an official Ordinary Times position as to the ontological status or scientifically verifiable existence of so-called “ego.”
Struggling For Normal
For years, we struggled to bring our daughter up to the level of her peers. It turned out she was playing on a different field entirely.
Fear and Loathing in Aisle Eight
The following is the harrowing true story of a recent trip to the grocery store. It is a cautionary tale and might be too frightening for some audiences.
Every year, you see, we eat our pancakes and talk about the year behind and the year before. It might even be our biggest household holiday.
New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary Is Good for Everyone
It stems from two ideas: that New Hampshire is not diverse and that New Hampshire is too small. Both statements are ludicrous.
An Unexpected Illumination
I saw several young men who were related to me only via my bank account, all peering into the sky through that hole.
A Prayer Request
I’m going to be selfish and take advantage of my public platform, limited though it is, to ask for your prayers this Tuesday
A Reverie on Failure Part 12: The Stupid that Dwells Within
Evil in a woods: it really was just a random natural process, wasn’t it?
Grief and Gratitude
I spent Thanksgiving—then Christmas—in the company of my family, forced almost against my will to love and be loved. And it was marvelous.
A Halloween Revelation: Samuel L Wilson, RIP
Ten years after The Event I can finally tell the simulation that I was with him at his end, the damn fool. So many upgrades, bugfixes, and hardware changes have come and gone that...
A Reverie on Failure Part 11: The Discourtesy of Poaching
Poaching gives hunting a bad name; this is the stuff we conservationists have to bear in order to make our case.
On Iceland
“We’re going to Iceland. In April. I can get two hotel rooms with my points. You get the car.” So I went to Iceland. You should go to Iceland.
The Time Mike Pence Just Shot a Man in the Face
This story is entirely fictional. To our knowledge, Mike Pence has never administered experimental doses of Thorazine to the mentally ill.
Steve Doocy In “Once Upon a Time in the Wild West of the Internet”
One woman complained that Steve Doocy was no longer as funny as he had once been, but not to worry, we have had him in counseling for remedial comedy skills
9/11: A Day Like Any Other, Until
Like all other Americans, 9/11 had a direct effect on my life starting with what I saw that morning.
Knowing Which Screws to Turn: Job Skills For The Life You Want
The division of responsibilities and job skills that are required for a job will always determine your work life and your pay
A Reverie on Failure Part 6: A Shadow Falls Upon a Friendship
I cast a first shadow upon a friendship. Oh, how petty Kid Icarus! Why didn’t I just punch him in the mouth?
The Hallmark of Dreams
My story would crest home, floating through uncertain spaces, until you would see that I am okay now. I did not accomplish everything I dreamed.
A Reverie On Failure Part 5: The Dawn of Disappointment
I hereby confess to you, dear reader, that when I consider you, I am pitiless. In what manner do you deal out in judgment to me?
The Secrets of Cybersecurity Consulting
In a way, cybersecurity consulting transfers a lot of risk from organizational leaders and places it on an outsourced expert.