Temporary Post Used For Theme Detection (18f4f6ee-799c-4bc7-9e04-770fd3429530 – 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7)
This is a temporary post that was not deleted. Please delete this manually. (daf2f2aa-f9c6-4eaa-b6be-89b4f48781ed – 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7)
Part of me wants this to stay up.Report
I’m disturbed that there’s a part of you that doesn’t agree.Report
Indeed, deleting this post would not have been such a guid idea.Report
That was horrible.Report
Just be glad I didn’t go with the one about Jersey Shore.Report
Agreed, and I especially like this part – 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7Report
Clearly you don’t see the embedded racism in 4114-a6b4. If only we could get to a post-racial society!Report
You know who ELSE thought 4114-a6b4…Hitlerbot.Report
Clearly, this can no longer be deleted.Report
You know, in retrospect it seems clear that building Hitlerbot was a mistake; but at the time, I was just trying to automate racism. Think of how much time we could all save if we didn’t have to be racist ourselves.Report
Technology frees man from the workaday to purse higher meaning.
Let’s all go look at some cat videos on YouTube.Report
Well i do agree with the reference to Federalist Paper 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7Report
I checked though and the post doesn’t violate our commenting policy. We’re rewriting the policy now.Report
So so un-american. why do you hate the US.Report
Run! It’s Conservabot!Report
(scratchy Dalek voice) Exterminate!Report
It would be immoral to delete this post. Every post has a right to show, starting from the moment of composition.Report
Or decomposition. Sic transit gloria mundi.Report
Down with partial-post deletion!Report
Do we have a theme?
I’d say that the plots, such as they are, are transparent where they are not opaque but… the theme?
“Do not think you will be able to truly overcome adversity without a sense of humor” is my best shot.Report
Well, if I were going to critique the plot, I’d say it’s pretty ‘by the numbers’.Report
If Man was meant to overcome adversity God would have given all of us a sense of humor.Report
If you’re going to tell the truth, make ’em laugh. Or they’ll kill you.Report
At least it was filed in the right category.Report
You should add “weekend jukebox and open thread” to the title and put a music video in there.
I haven’t read all of the comments but scanning the sidebar tells me that people are talking about Paula Abdul’s “Rush Rush”. Maybe that one.Report
Or maybe it was this one:
Or this one:
Well i like this better than Rush. So its got that going for it.Report
The band, or the commentator?
It’s less annoying than the commentator, but could represent musical notation for the band.Report
Leave my favorite band alone, haters!Report
Patrick – I likes me some Rush; you are not alone. They didn’t turn out to be hugely predictive of the most of the kinds of music I would eventually find most engrossing, but they were pivotal in my youth in getting me to appreciate artists doing their own thing and attempting to say something, regardless of trends or ‘coolness’.
I don’t know if you’ve seen that doc ‘Beyond The Lighted Stage’ but it kind of prompted me to revisit them after many years; it was cool how many younger musicians (that mostly bear little of Rush’s musical DNA) gave them props just for being themselves, and the inspiration that provides artistically.
(Cues up ‘Subdivisions’ in iTunes, starts rockin’)Report
Ja, I’ve seen it.
I have the whole discography. We all have our OCD moments.Report
I used to have a lot more, but over the years they got pared down to Moving Pictures/ Power Windows / Signals/ Hold Yr Fire / Exit Stage Left (I used to have a later live one too, but not sure where it went…it had terrible 80’s cover art, I remember that…ah, Show of Hands).
Crazy that they are so long-lived and prolific, that at 5 albums owned, I am just a dabbler.Report
So now we know who was really behind the great assault on the 49th a few months back.Report
If I was behind it, there would have been no survivors.Report
Beyond The Lighted Stage was a great documentary. I’m a big Rush fan.Report
Glyph- yes
Just chuming the troll pond and Pat.Report
bwwahahah…next you guys are going to be talking about your love for Nickleback and CreedReport
…what’s wrong with loving Nickleback…?Report
They’re the Agnostic Creed, dude.Report
If you have to ask the question, you’ll never understand the answer.Report
Clearly none of you have seen Nickleback live.Report
I have not seen Nickelback live, however, I know a number of people who dislike them, but have seen them live and the general feeling is that they put on a great show.
I’m still not going to see them, though. There are lots of great shows out there.Report
A few years back I randomly won tickets to see Bon Jovi at Giants Stadium on a radio call-in contest. The week off, I was feeling particularly run down and not all that interested in going. The day before, I spoke to my friend who was going to come with me and said, “I may just bail. The tickets were free anyway. I mean, if someone like Nickleback is opening, I might reconsider.” Cue to me checking out the lineup and LO-AND-BEHOLD… IT’S NICKLEBACK!
We went. It was awesome. They play douchey rock anthems with catchy enough hooks. And everyone’s hatred of them makes my genuine appreciation of them feel a little guilty, which I like. As for their live performance, they came out, played their hits, played them exactly like they sound on the radio so everyone can sing along, and left. Perfect for an opening act.Report
Kazzy, you’ve already told us you know dick about music, so we can’t really say this is a surprise.Report
Now THAT is how you make a meatloaf!Report
That’s predictable, for a guy who doesn’t put -59b70- in his meatloaf. Let me guess, you really like the 0f6d7.Report
Yes, but do you like it better than Rush eating meatloaf while getting a circumcision before they got their immunizations.
I think it needs to be left up. At least this time Mr. Kowal gives us the numbers.Report
I do apologize for the hexadecimal. That was needlessly confusing.Report
Nobody worry… I Rot13’d it:
18s4s6rr-799p-4op7-9r04-770sq3429530 – 3osr001n-32qr-4114-n6o4-4005o770s6q7
qns2s2nn-s9p6-4rnn-o6or-89o4s48781rq – 3osr001n-32qr-4114-n6o4-4005o770s6q7Report
That’s it, thread’s over, Kazzy wins.Report
My first win!Report
Space awesome, dude.Report
God DAMN it. “daf2f2aa-f9c6-4eaa-b6be-89b4f48781ed – 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7” was the subject of this coming week’s Stupid Tuesday Question.Report
The sad thing is, I can understand this post more than most of Kimmi’s comments. (I kid because I love, Kimmi.)Report