Saturday Spins: ZZ Top’s Tres Hombres
ZZ Top’s Tres Hombres is not only famous for the excellent jams…it also has an all-time hunger inducing gatefold spread
ZZ Top’s Tres Hombres is not only famous for the excellent jams…it also has an all-time hunger inducing gatefold spread
The Equality Act is being reintroduced in the House of Representatives, amending civil rights law in workforce, housing, education, credit, jury service and other areas of American life
I will never not be amazed that human beings can do things like Perseverance. The vision, the skill, the audacity — the human race at its best.
The Netflix series Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel is their latest quarantine hit. I can recommend it, with some caveats.
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times tradition of links and stories from around the web plus every you might have missed from week that was.
The Rock The Bells family is heartbroken to learn of the passing of Mark “Prince Markie Dee” Morales earlier today. That voice and his presence can never be replaced. Our thoughts and prayers go...
Read the US Citizenship Act for yourself, or since its 353-pages use the search feature of the embedded PDF to make it easier.
OT Contributor Network: Dennis Sanders Polite Company Podcast for you to listen, share and discuss.
Read Rep Ayanna Pressley “Federal Jobs Guarantee” resolution for yourself for this new spin on a very old idea.
Republicans and editorial boards have taken to blaming alternative energy for the Texas power outages. Is this accurate? Not Really.
Radio and conservative political icon Rush Limbaugh has died at 70, his wife announced to open his radio show today.
A lawsuit by the NAACP alleges Trump conspired with Rudy Giuliani, the Proud Boys, and the Oath Keepers to violate the Ku Klux Klan Act
Who was going to grab the stupid kid on the traffic signal island first? The military police or ZZ Top in a limo?
this is when we listen to a lovely rendition of Ave Maria and, in recent years, discuss what we’re giving up for Lent.