If You See This
You are on the other side of the conversion. You are free to comment as you like.
Sorry for anything you lost.
Update!!!!: I have access to what occurred before the changeover. If you have a comment you believe is worthy of resurrection, let me know and I will go track it down and reproduce it.
Update2: We’re getting some certification errors. The site has migrated but some of the certifications haven’t. All will be right in due time, most likely by the evening of the 29th.
Good to be back.Report
Looks good to me.Report
I totally pwned all the libs after 2:30… now we’ll never know how awesomely.
But I am still not on Twitter, so my ban is just a rumor.Report
See update!Report
I am seeing it (obvs).Report
I see dead blogs.Report
My god…it’s full of posts.Report
I’m getting a certificate error. It’s telling me that the site is unsafe.
I trust all y’all, though.Report
CERTIFICATE WARNING: You are attempting to access the accursed writings of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred collected in the dreaded Necronomicon. This may be unsafe.
Y / NReport
I think we’re back? Again? šReport
As of this afternoon the font now looks weird. Not unreadable, but it’s either a different font or a different font-size, and I’m just OCD enough to notice it.Report
It looks definitely different for me too. I find it neither better nor worse on my laptop, but noticeably more comfortable to read on my phone.Report
I don’t think I notice the font size difference. But I have a poor eye for such things.Report
How are we now?Report
Better 1 or better 2?
Actually the font seems a bit small to me also.Report
I must be font-blind, because it still seems more or less the same to me.
(My boss has a graphic design and typesetting background, and she has told me that fonts, etc., affect how we see/read things even if we don’t realize it or know that it’s the font actually doing it. That’s probably true for me. I’m sure that whatever the font is is affecting my reading of OT somehow, but I’m not sure how, exactly.)Report
Different font — a number of places that were a serif font before are now specifying a lightweight sans-serif font. I am seriously OCD on this particular topic, to the extent that my browser is set up to run a piece of JavaScript on almost every page I download that does its best to force the use of just two fonts in a limited number of sizes. With that disabled, there are — for me — some cringe-worthy mixing of fonts and sizes now. OTOH, kudos to Will and any other tech staff for moving all of the page structure my script depends on transparently.Report
Site still seems wonky to me… updating erratically and not seeing new posts even after refreshing… I cleared all cookies and still seeing that behavior.Report
I’m seeing the same thing, but I am not sure it’s limited to just this site, seeing a lot of unrelated internet ‘blinks’.
But then again, Will could have broke the internet šReport
He probably did, but the rest of the internet seems to have fixed itself… I’m still not seeing new posts when I click through RSS feed… and what’s odd about that is still don’t see them after I refresh site.
So, I can see and read a new comment in RSS, but OT doesn’t show me the post.
Google Chrome, cookies flushed, intermittent behavior… good luck with that. šReport