Monthly Archive: June 2018

Lessons in Parenting, Baseball, and Optometry

I felt so disappointed for my son in his inability to excel at baseball. I had simply concluded that he lacked talent, and that was that. Of course, I would cheer him on and encourage him as long as he was interested, but, I assumed, the writing was on the wall. I pigeonholed him as “not an athlete”, just like me. Knowing now that it is quite likely that his vision was at least partially to blame for his trouble is a humbling reminder: our kids are not just small versions of ourselves.


Rise of the (Debating) Machines

@TimSmith_Laing brings us a story of IBM’s newest creation. So man has built Deep Blue to play chess, Watson that can play quiz shows and problem solve, the worlds most powerful supercomputer, and now comes IBM’s “Project Debater”, which makes up for in tech what it lacks in imaginative branding. So who will talk to it?