Monthly Archive: September 2016
So after you’ve beaten Diablo, and after you’ve beaten Fate, and after you’ve beaten Torchlight, and you’re still saying “man, I wish I had a new one of those to play…”, well, have I got the game for you!
The Do-Over
Dave discovers one of his old mini-posts and realizes that a full-length “do over” was the appropriate response.
Ruling: Moore v Bryant
To millions of people, particularly African-Americans, the Confederate battle emblem is a symbol of the Old Mississippi – the Mississippi of slavery, lynchings, pain, and white supremacy. As Justice Fred Banks noted, the Confederate battle emblem “takes no back seat to the Nazi Swastika” in its ability to provoke a visceral reaction.
The emblem offends more than just African-Americans. Mississippians of all creeds and colors regard it as “one of the most repulsive symbols of our past.” It is difficult to imagine how a symbol borne out of the South’s intention to maintain slavery can unite Mississippians in the 21st centiry.
Since the Civil War, this nation has evolved and breathed new life into “We the People” and “all men are created equal.” Mississippi is known for its resistance to that evolution. Part of that resistance stems from electing demagogues and those with empty rhetoric and false courage. The result is a State increasingly isolated from the rest of the nation.
At times there is something noble in standing alone. This is not one of those times. The Confederate battle emblem has no place in shaping a New Mississippi, and is better left retired to history.
For that change to happen through the judiciary, however, the Confederate battle emblem must have caused a cognizable legal injury. In this case no such injury has been articulated. Whether that could be shown in a future case, or whether “the people themselves” will act to change the state flag, remains to be seen.
This case is dismissed. A separate Final Judgment will issue.
–US District Judge Carlton Reeves
Matt Tinoco: LAPD Honors 25 Officers For Not Using Deadly Force
[T]he Preservation of Life medal is reserved for officers who chose not to use deadly force in situations where lethally discharging a firearm could, according to department policy, been justified.
The Stagecoach That Robs You
“Thank you for your business. You were giving more of it than you know.”
A Movie In Which Not Much Happens
Summer 2016 was a bust for Hollywood blockbusters. What can Hollywood learn from the Japanese and Our Little Sister. Can Americans listen?
Linky Friday #183: Downtown
This Week! Cities, Crime, Education, Technology, Sports, and Transportation
Michael Tracey: The Mainstream Media Has a Donald J. Trump-Sized Blind Spot
A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook went on national television and declared: “There are real questions being raised about whether Donald Trump himself is just a puppet for the Kremlin in this race.”
For all the talk over the past 14 months about how Trump has obliterated the supposed “norms” that typically govern the operation of presidential campaigns, this was a norm-buster for the ages. “Puppet for the Kremlin”? That’s the stuff of a dystopian espionage thriller. If true, it’d constitute a scenario utterly without precedent in American history, potentially shaking the very foundations of the Republic. One might think, then, that Mook’s stunning attack would’ve engendered a wave of calls from sober-minded pundits for due diligence and avoidance of hyperbole.
Instead, crickets.
From: The Mainstream Media Has a Donald J. Trump-Sized Blind Spot – The Daily Beast
Kilgore Trout: Diversity-Training Stereotypes — The Cure Is Now Worse than the Disease
On Thursday morning, I found myself staring down the barrel of that familiar corporate ritual: mandatory workplace-diversity-and-inclusion training. Well into my second decade of employment with a large multinational corporation, the prospect of again...
Sometimes, foresight is also 20/20.
“I think they are unfounded just based on what I’ve read,” said the Republican nominee. “Totally unfounded, based on what I read.”
The True Face of the AltRight
This is all just a big performance piece related to a Borat sequel, right?
Bloomberg: Hanjin’s Ghost Ships Seek Havens With Food and Water Starting to Dwindle
South Korea’s cash-strapped Hanjin Shipping Co. is adrift at sea — and in more ways than one. Hanjin is one of the world’s biggest shipping lines and filed for bankruptcy protection last week in...