Daily Archive: May 7, 2015
Comment Subscriptions Reloaded Rejected and Replaced
Current subscriptions (the ones that are working) will still function, but we need to switch over to a more reliable if less feature-rich application.
Another Bob Story
If I’ve accomplished anything in my life, it’s because people like Bob took the time to tell me stories like the this one, and I was foolish enough to believe them.
The Bright Side of Short Sellers
Short sellers helped focus attention on the practices of Lumber Liquidators.
SIHTAF: Manny Pacquiao Made Me Bet Wrong
The fight in the ring in Las Vegas last weekend was not nearly as tedious as the ones coming up in the courtroom are going to be.
Fatherhood & Conservatism
Guest writer Roland Dobbs, a long-time liberal, notices his political views shifting rightward with recent the arrival of his baby daughter.