Monthly Archive: June 2014
George Will and Sexual Assault
I am a college professor, and a year from now the first of my three daughters will be preparing to head off to college. So naturally I have some thoughts on George Will’s comments...
One more Thought About Work: Changing the Inputs
President Obama has on at least one occasion gotten in “trouble” for suggesting that Americans would be better off learning a skilled trade than studying Art History at the university level (1). Economically speaking,...
The Post-Work Idyll To Be Found In Post-Felinity
In which Jaybird muses on post-work through the lens of his cats.
Give Turtles a Break or Brake?
I have a question about an odd road sign I saw in Northern Virginia. If you’re from the area, or you’re not, maybe you can help me decipher it.
Why Work Matters
Finding purpose in our work lives may just be a matter of perspective. Easier said than done.
How Many Offended People Does It Take to Make True Facts “Inaccurate”?
How many offended people does it take to turn fact into “inaccuracy”?
The Post-Work Myth
The post-work society is not a new idea. And it’s been wrong often enough that it might not matter if it ever becomes right.
Doing Her Job
Don’t people understand what it is that lawyers do? (Yes, I know that’s actually irrelevant.)
Santorum Says Gay Marriage is Bad for the Economy
While I’ve heard some pretty stupid arguments against same-sex marriage, this one from Rick Santorum–he of man-on-dog love fame–strikes me as particularly ridiculous. In an interview with, Santorum put forth his latest theory:
The Most Useless Job Advice in the World
“If you can imagine doing anything else but X, do it.” or “Don’t do X unless……” I have heard this piece of advice numerous times and for numerous careers and options. X in these...
What Is the Midwest?
We’ve had a handful of discussions here about what states constitute the Midwest. I have an official answer, from the U.S. Government itself.
Linky Friday #73
This week: Immigration, Fatherhood, Weapons, Transportation, Markets, Education & Government!