A Mindless Proposal
Well, an “album” used to be this thing that you “paid” for, containing “music”; and then you “listened” to it, more-or-less “front-to-back”, often with “friends”.
We’re going to do that, except for free!
On the final Friday of each month, participants will join a Google Hangout at 9:00 PM ET. Google Hangouts has an integrated YouTube interface, and many, many full album uploads are available on YouTube (see below for more info). It also has an IM/chat function.
We’ll be listening to music, so we can keep our mics and/or cams off – since I plan to be drinking, this is probably for the best anyway.
Anyone who attends, can listen and discuss. Just show up!
Anyone who has an album they want to share, needs to come a little bit prepared – locate a full-album upload of your choice on YouTube in advance, and write a brief introduction of the album (a few sentences or a paragraph is fine, though obviously if you want to wax rhapsodic about it, you can.) The introduction can be factual (about the record), personal (what you like about it, or what it means to you), or whatever you wish.
The album choices, and the album Selecter for the night, will remain a surprise until each party starts.
For everyone that brings an album that night, we will plug their names into this to draw straws to see who will be the Selecter.
Whoever gets chosen as Selecter, introduces their album via text chat (paste your intro in), and then it gets played, for everyone at the same time.
And we all close our eyes and listen.
We can use the live-chat function to discuss it as it is playing; afterwards, the YouTube album video, text introduction and chat get immortalized as a Mindless Diversions post.
Albums can be old, new, obscure, or mainstream music, of any genre.
1.) Obviously, you are limited to albums that are fully-available on YouTube*. Just search “Album Name (Full Album)” and you will often find what you need. If there are several available, check each for sound quality and pick the best one, then bookmark it, so you can easily identify that upload again if you are chosen as the Selecter for the night.
2.) Let’s limit the albums to a single-disc (archaic as that is now) length – so no more than 80 or so minutes max. Even that may be too long to keep people’s attention in 2014, so an hour or under is even better.
3.) Participants should plan to use a semi-decent set of headphones or speakers in a private space, so you can listen at higher volumes to OK-ish sound quality (I mean, it’s STILL YouTube streaming) – that is, no half-listening on crappy laptop speakers while you are also watching TV. We want participants to be focused on the music, (man,) giving it as much of their attention as possible.
4.) Cocktails are encouraged, but not required.
5.) You may discover you like something you thought you’d hate. Or that you hate something you thought you’d like. Or hate something you knew you hated, but now hate in an entirely-new and better-informed way. Voice your opinions by all means, but please be thoughtful, open-minded and kind. Sooner or later, it could be your beloved record that’s up there on the block.
Get in on the ground floor on Friday, 4/25! What do you have going on on Friday nights anyway?
If you are interested in participating, say so in comments below. We’ll use the e-mail address on your comment to send you the Google Hangout invite.
*If the full album isn’t there, but its individual tracks are all available in YouTube, the individual tracks can also be assembled into a playlist matching the album sequence within the Hangout/YouTube interface. However, you only want to do this if all uploads are of equivalent quality (ideally all from the same uploader/source), and if the album flow won’t be damaged too badly by a brief gap between each track.
This could be a lot of fun. I am looking forward to it, but will be there some kind of link at the league?Report
The way Google Hangouts work is somebody starts one, then invites people (via e-mail) from there. Invitees get an email with a link that takes you into the Hangout. You will I believe need to sign up for a Google acct, if you don’t already have one.
Disclaimer: I have only ever attended one Google Hangout, that I was not the organizer of. So if anyone knows a different/better way to handle things, I am all ears. This seemed like the easiest legal/free way to play music to a group of people simultaneously that I found (I assume that even if we took the necessary technical steps to host/stream audio from the blog itself, we’d potentially be liable for copyright violation on a public performance of the record. It’s a shame there’s not an easy way to handle that, as it would be nice to completely control the audio quality and album availability ourselves. Again if I am mistaken and there’s a solution, let me know.)Report
Is there any chance I could get anyone else besides maybe Glyph and Chris to sit through Fear: The Album, or DK’s Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables?Report
80s punk! I nominate Naked Raygun’s All Rise.Report
The beauty of this system is that no one knows ahead of time who will be selecting, or what record it will be. So it could be that, or ambient, or jazz, or etc. Come in with an open mind.
Though admittedly you’re making me wonder if there are any complete Wipers albums available on YouTube…Report
More likely than I could get anyone (except maybe Saul) to sit through Beethoven’s Sixth.Report
Eh, Beethoven’s Sixth was just a tired rehash of his Fifth. Total cash-grab contractual-obligation record.
Actually, the Fifth and Sixth premiered the same night. Also his Fourth piano concerto. That must have been one hell of a concert.Report
The Sixth is by far closest to my heart of all his compositions. There are many moments you couldn’t stop me from sitting through it.Report
What, the music of my childhood?Report
I’ll be there. It’s been a while since I listened to DK.Report
This sounds really cool. I will certainly participate as often as I can.Report
Very cool idea, Glyph.Report
Thanks! It’s an experiment, we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully we don’t have to institute some sort of Survivor-style vote-off-the-island protocol if someone keeps pranking us by selecting “Having Fun With Elvis On Stage” repeatedly.
Oh, forgot to add – I am pretty sure this will NOT work on mobile – the “Hangout” function itself does, but there’s not enough screen real estate and bandwidth on yr phone for the YT interface and IM chat as well. So you’ll need to be at a computer, ideally in a comfy chair.Report
In. And dibs on “Annoying Guy Who Knows Nothing About Music”. Like the guy who request “Free Bird” no matter the context… Only I’ll be requesting “Come Sail Away”.Report
If you play Nickleback, we will find you…Report
There is a non-zero chance I’ll play Nickleback.
I’ve seen Nickleback life. Who else here can say that?Report
If nothing else, the discussion would be fun.Report
Sounds fun, the time isn’t good for me, but i’ll try to join in. Google hangouts have worked well in my limited experience.Report
Interested. Not sure I’ll show, but I’d love to get the Google invite.Report
I’m gamer than a three-dollar bill, if that’s the phrase I want. It’ll be 10 AM my time, but I’ve started drinking earlier than that, so.Report
I’m in.Report
I am definitely interested in this.Report
Looks like it could have a good turn out.Report
I can’t remember exactly from the Leaguecasts but I believe there is a limit of 8 people in the Hangout. Maybe I’m wrong about that but someone should check.
I will certainly look forward to watching but I don’t see myself participating much. One weird thing I have realized in my years at the League is how little connection I have with anyone musically, or at least in terms of what people post about. Lots of bands I have never heard of and never any music I seem to connect with. So bizarre considering how many other things I have in common with the other Leaguers.Report
Ooh, thanks Mike, good info. It looks like it is limited to 10, though if it’s a commercial account it goes up to 15. If the cost is low and it’s simple enough I may sign up for that. Or does anyone here at OT already have such an acct (or would it be worth it to the site to have one for the site?)
Either way, I guess that possibly makes for two drawings of straws -we will send out the invites to everybody at the same time, but only the first 9 (or 14) responders will actually get in. I wasn’t planning on an exclusive club, but apparently seats are limited!Report
This sounds cool. I’d do it.Report
@aaron-david @jm3z-aitch @slade-the-leveller @mike-schilling @michael-drew @chris @tod-kelly @kazzy @greginak @krogerfoot @jonathan-mcleod @mike-dwyer @jason-tank @reformed-republican
Everybody should have gotten an invite for Friday night at the e-mail addresses you left here. I signed up and paid for a Google Apps business account, so we should have 15 virtual seats instead of the usual 10*, because that’s how much I love ya. Remember that you will need a Google + account to get into Hangouts, so if you don’t have one already, you may want to sign up for one in advance.**
For anyone who is interested but still has not said so, say so now. Virtual seats ARE limited (15 max), but I can guarantee that on any given night, not everyone will be able to show. So I expect slots to often be available, and I don’t expect the group to be static from party to party.
EDITED TO ADD: I scheduled it for three hours, just to pad it out in case it gets started late or people wanted to hang around (didn’t want to lose the Hangout slot). So don’t panic, or feel obligated to dedicate that much time to this. If it’s a success, rather than extending its duration, we may just want to do it more frequently.
*Apologies in advance if this Friday doesn’t go smoothly, it will be the first attempt at this.
**On that note, I believe participants’ names will appear in the Hangout IM/chat window as their Google + name. If that’s not similar to your usual OT handle, we may need to do some quick introductions at the start, so people know who is who; if you are setting up your G+ account for the first time, you may want to choose a similar handle to your OT one, for simplicity’s sake.
If for privacy’s sake you want me to scrub/convert those G+ names back to your OT handles on the immortal MD wrapup post, just let me know.Report
Got the invite. I am probably unavailable this Friday, as I have two work events on Saturday and probably need to make Friday a family evening. I’ll let you know as we get closer. Regardless, keep me on the list for future ones as they will be easier to swing.Report
Super cool, got the invite, and will be there unless work gets super crazy.Report
I got the invite as well. I should be able to make it.Report
Cool idea. I may not be back in time for this month (I am going to the Chicago Audio show, partly to buy albums) but would be interested in joining the list for future sessions.Report
You should have an invite in your inbox.Report
@glyph FYI, i got the google invite. I won’t be there this week though because i’m doing some international jet setting.Report