Monthly Archive: December 2013
More from the War On Christmas front…
Over in the threads of my Real War on Christmas post, North wondered about the “secular bugaboos that the WOC crusaders do battle against.” Who exactly are these lawsuit Grinches? It’s a good question.
Carving Up The Golden State
In case you’ve grown weary of the silliness involved in public anxiety about a guy who makes duck decoys for a living seemingly not liking gay people all that much, there is a different sort of silliness for you to contemplate instead: yet another proposal to Balkanize the most populous of these United States.
Supreme Court Protects Prostitutes…Next Year
The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled on Canada’s prostitution laws, finding that they put sex workers in peril.
Public Pre-K and Supporting Working Parents
Can early childhood programs support working parents while also benefitting their kids?
Linky Friday #48
This week: Education, Geekery, Dating, Death, Asia, Latin America, and the United States of America!
The Virtual Musical Advent Calendar, December 19: Wynton Marsalis and Clement C. Moore’s Twas The Night Before Christmas
The greatest Christmas recording of all time, bar none. Also, a great companion piece to today’s post on the real War on Christmas.
Sarah Palin, Clement Clarke Moore, and the Villainous Hordes of Thuggish Carolers: The Story of the Real War on Christmas
The War on Christmas in American was very real, and was won decisively in the 19th century. Tod Kelly explains why everything you think you know about Christmas is wrong.
Doctors as touts
A major drug company is no longer going to pay doctors to promote its products. It’s about time.
Unclear on the Concept
Noted First Amendment scholar Sarah Palin on the backlash against a reality show star’s anti-gay comments:“Free speech is an endangered species. Those ‘intolerants’ hatin’ and taking on the Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing his...
Kazzy’s Unified Theory on Unions
I am far, far, far from an expert on labor practice. So why the hell shouldn’t I have my own theory on how unions should function?
A Fascinating Document.
The White House has released its new “Report and Recommendations of The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies” today.
Not a Podcast
But (maybe!) sometime tomorrow morning (probably in the 7 o’clock hour), coworker Joe and I are going to get airtime for about four minutes talking about what it takes to create a WAN for...
The Virtual Musical Advent Calendar, December 18: The Holly & The Ivy
Traditional carols which blended the imagery of bloody pagan sacrifices and the coming of Christ on the solstice are making a comeback.
A very brief Mon Tiki Coastal Scoon Check-in
Hello League readers and writers both! A brief check-in: I am back aboard Mon Tiki in Norfolk VA, making her ready for the inside passage to Beaufort NC through the creeks and marshes of...